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Dotnet Feeder is a collection of handy tools to do stuff with markdown files. It's all build in .NET 6 and available as a dotnet-tool. Some features can also be used as a Github Action.

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Feed command

Use this command to read a json post feed and to replace the text between the tags with a list of posts. You can use this command to automatically update any markdown with the latest posts. I developed this to update my Github profile readme every day.

Be sure to add at least one file that has both the start tag <!-- start {tag} --> and the end tag <!-- end {tag} -->.

Feeder v1.0.0

  dotnet-feeder feed <url> <files...> [options]

  Read a feed and write markdown

* url               Url of the feed to parse 
* files             File(s) to write posts to 

  --count           Number of items to use Default: "10".
  --tag             Tag to look for, <!-- start {tag} --> / <!-- end {tag} --> Default: "posts".
  --template        Item template when writing markdown Default: "- [{title}]({url})".
  --ci              Running in CI env, creates github logging Environment variable: CI. Default: "False".
  --wordpress       Wordpress api has a different format Default: "False".
  -h|--help         Shows help text. 

Feed command - Github actions

To use this action for your own README file, do the following:

  1. Add a header to your README (posts need their own header right?) ## Recent posts
  2. Skip a line and add <!-- start posts --><!-- end posts --> to it.
  3. Create a workflow like the one below
  4. Change the feed parameter (or leave it if you want to promote my posts)
    - cron: '45 6 * * *'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: write

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Dotnet-feeder
        uses: svrooij/dotnet-feeder@main
          files: ./
      - uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
          commit_message: Posts refreshed

This workflow will trigger daily at 6:45 and can be triggered from the actions screen (or other repositories 😉)

Support for wordpress blogs

Each wordpress website has (be default) a json api enabled. This feed is available at https://{your-wordpress-site}/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?_fields=id,title,link but this uses a different format. For wordpress sites we created a separate action. In the github action you should add it like this:

      - name: Dotnet-feeder
        uses: svrooij/dotnet-feeder/wordpress@main
          files: ./
          extra_args: --wordpress

Sample posts from my blog

By running dotnet-feeder feed ./ --count 5 --tag s_posts your can generate the section below.

Developer stuff

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This repository contains of the following files:

Path Name Description
action.yml Action configuration Action file for this action to be executable from other repositories.
.github/workflows/build.yml Build workflow Workflow for running the tests and creating the docker image
.github/workflows/refresh.yml Sample workflow Sample workflow to refresh the posts in the readme.
src/* dotnet-feeder source The actual .NET application running this stuff, using CliFx (it's awesome)
tests/* tests Some tests that are mandatory in the build/release pipeline

If you want to create your own github action in .NET code, this repository is a great place to start. Let me know what you think!