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GSoC Bonding Period Release

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@walterbender walterbender released this 25 May 11:47
· 2321 commits to master since this release

Thanks to the efforts of @aviral243, @sksum and @meganindya over the community bonding period for Google Summer of Code 2020 we have a large number of bug fixes and enhances we are pushing out to celebrate the start of the coding period. (Tip of the hat to other community members as well.) We'll be making another release at the end of the summer based on the work we anticipate completing during the coding period.

New features include a Subtract 1 from block, strong beat defaults for common meters, xor, count mice, and a global wrap graphics mode.

Subtract one from Block

XOR Block

Mouse count Block

The mouse will wrap around when it goes off the screen.

