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mandrake 1.1.1 - Handle exceptions thrown by styler

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@strazto strazto released this 22 Apr 06:42

Mandrake 1.1.1


Frontend Dependency Management

Fix dependency problems when using attach_dependencies(standalone = TRUE):

  • bootstrap
    • Fully embed entire bootstrap package, including all assets, not just css
    • Attach src from top level of bootstrap, so all assets are bundled.
  • jquery:
    • Fix missing package argument in jquery's htmlDependency()
  • attach jquery & bootstrap dependencies before other frontend dependencies,
    as other dependencies require jquery (especially) to be loaded already.
  • mustache templates:
    • Fix outdated refEREnce to template file test.html.mustache, which was deleted.
    • Now include display.html.mustache


  • make embedHandler() backwards compatible with graphs generated by
    • In mandrake<1.1.0, R generated html directly and this was passed to
      visNetwork to be rendered directly
    • In mandrake>=1.1.0, R encodes the data into json & passes this object
      to visNetwork, which can be decoded & flexibly rendered by the frontend.
    • Now, embedHandler() tries to parse the input as json, then rendering it
      into a template, but if JSON.parse raises a syntax error, the input will be
      given directly to the DOM
  • (Everything to be given to the DOM is still cleaned by DOMPurify)


  • When styling code from plan commands, now wrap styler::style_text() in try block
  • That way, if code that can't be parsed by styler (eg, contains a pretty printed quosure),
    it won't crash the workflow


  • Remove "Remotes" section from DESCRIPTION, change a few dependency packages from github/development head to