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Super simple command line program for concatenating files.


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gocat is a super simple command line program for concatenating files. gocat lazily loads files to reduce memory usage and the number of active file pointers. gocat can read from local files, HTTP(S) endpoints, and files on S3.


The following platforms are supported. Pull requests to support other platforms are welcome!

GOOS 386 amd64 arm arm64
darwin - - -
freebsd -
openbsd - -
solaris - - -
windows - -


Find releases for the supported platforms at See the Building section below to build for another platform from source.


See the usage below or the following examples.

gocat is a super simple utility to concatenate files (local, remote, or on AWS S3) provided as positional arguments.
Supports stdin (aka "-"), local files (path/to/file or file://path/to/file), remote files (http://path/to/file), or files on AWS S3 (s3://path/to/file).
Supports the following compression algorithms: bzip2, flate, gzip, none, snappy, zip, zlib.

  gocat [flags] [-|stdin|FILE|URI]...

  -a, --append-new-lines               append new lines to files
      --aws-access-key-id string       AWS Access Key ID
      --aws-default-region string      AWS Default Region
      --aws-profile string             AWS Profile
      --aws-region string              AWS Region (overrides default region)
      --aws-secret-access-key string   AWS Secret Access Key
      --aws-session-token string       AWS Session Token
  -b, --buffer-size int                buffer size for file reader (default 4096)
  -h, --help                           help for gocat
      --version                        show version



gocat "~/.bash_aliases" "~/.bashrc"

Remote File

gocat arguments can point to remote files


All Files With Extension

gocat will print every file given as a positional argument, which can be useful when looking through thousands of files.

gocat $( find . -print | grep -i '.*[.]md')


gocat is written in pure Go. The only dependency needed to compile the program is Go.

This project supports the use of direnv to manage environment variables.

If using macOS, follow the macOS instructions below.

Use make bin/gocat to build for your local operating system. Use make build_release to build for a release. Alternatively, you can call go build directly for your specific scenario.


To install go on macOS with homebrew use brew install go.

To install direnv on macOS with homebrew use brew install direnv. If using bash, then add eval \"$(direnv hook bash)\" to the ~/.bash_profile file . If using zsh, then add eval \"$(direnv hook zsh)\" to the ~/.zshrc file.



To run CLI testes use make test_cli, which uses shUnit2. If you recive a shunit2:FATAL Please declare TMPDIR with path on partition with exec permission. error, you can modify the TMPDIR environment variable in line or with export TMPDIR=<YOUR TEMP DIRECTORY HERE>. For example:

TMPDIR="/usr/local/tmp" make test_cli


To run Go tests use make test_go or (bash scripts/, which runs unit tests, go vet, go vet with shadow, errcheck, staticcheck, and misspell.


Spatial Current, Inc. is currently accepting pull requests for this repository. We'd love to have your contributions! Please see for how to get started.


This work is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file.