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A multiplayer browser based simulator for the Duel Masters Trading Card Game


We are not affiliated with the Duel Masters trademark or its rightful owner Wizards of the Coast and only strive to make it possible to play the original English version of the card game from 2004-2006 the same way you would be playing it with friends in real life.

What it is

  • Aims to simulate how you would be playing the card game in real life
  • Multiplayer & matchmaking
  • Enforced rules for fair and competetive play
  • Automation for all card effects and actions
  • Deck building
  • Currently 400+ cards implemented

What it is not

  • A full fledged Duel Masters game with fancy animations and career modes similar to Heartstone, MTG Arena etc.

Run with docker

# Login to the github package registry
docker login

# Run the container
docker run -d \
    --name duel-masters \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    -p 80:80 \
    -e port=80 \
    -e mongo_name=<mongodb_name> \
    -e mongo_uri=<mongodb_connection_string> \


  1. Clone the repository

  2. Set up MongoDB locally or use a cloud provider

  3. Create an .env file in the root directory based on the .env.default file in the repository

  1. Build the webapp
    cd webapp
    npm install
    npm run build
    npm run watch to rebuild every time a change is made

  2. Run the application. If you're using vscode simply press F5 or Run -> Start Debugging. To run manually use go run cmd/duel-masters/main.go. Note that debugging with vscode will automatically pick up environment variables from the .env file. If you're not using vscode's debug mode or if you are using a different editor you will have to make sure the necessary environment variables are set.

  3. Navigate to http://localhost and create a user as well as a deck. To set the deck as a standard deck, find it in the database and change the standard field to true.


Please read through the contribution guidelines before submitting a pull request


A changelog starting from 11/11/2021 can be found here