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Samuel Santos edited this page Aug 19, 2020 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the RPTool wiki!

Our goals are make easier the life those who need perform a lot of GUI tests everyday. We can define a GUI test case as a list of ordered steps performed on the system under test, these steps move the GUI to a desired state with a particular area where was produced a visual modification in the GUI, this area can be captured and used as a test validation condition.

In our context a test case is a set of user actions and a result of this actions, for instance, when you open the calculator and you make a sum of 1 + 1, and next you click on the button equals, the calculator will produces a result for you, if the calculator is working correctly the result should be 2. All right, we have now a set of steps and the result displayed by the calculator.

How we can make an automated verification of this process? First we need a way to record all the actions performed by the user, second we need a way to capture the result produced on the system under test, and finally we need playback all those actions and verify if we get the same results, for reach this verification we are doing an image recognition.

That is exactly what we're doing with RPTool project.

RPTool Architecture

We're recording the user events on GUI, our module 'recorder' register the actions as a trace and save it. During the test the user can press the key 'F2' and capture a desired area in the screen, this area will be considered as a check point for our tool validate this test.

After performed the steps and captured the result as an image, the user can finally playback the test. The module 'Player' will be in action and access the artifacts generated to reproduces every actions from the user.

When the playback reaches the checkpoint, the V module 'Verifier' is started to find on the screen whether the image captured during the test is visible. At this point we have the GUI test result and the Verifier will pass this result throught the Testlink API for our Testlink system.

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