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Hi, I'm Khaled AbuShqear

Typing SVG

🌟 About Me

I'm a passionate Software and DevOps Engineer with a knack for building robust web solutions and scalable infrastructure. My journey in tech began with a curious mind and a love for coding, leading me to become a proficient coder in Ruby, PHP, and Java. I thrive in Agile environments and am always keen to absorb user requirements to deliver impactful solutions.

  • 📚 Constant learner in web technologies and software engineering best practices.
  • ☁️ Experienced in cloud technologies like AWS and DigitalOcean.
  • 🚀 Aiming to create success stories and lead teams to excellence.

🔥 My Streak Stats

Khaled's Streak

📊 GitHub Analytics

Khaled's GitHub Stats Top Languages

Note: Top languages do not indicate my skill level, it's a GitHub metric of which languages I have the most code on GitHub.

🛠️ My Skills

👉 Programming Languages

Ruby PHP TypeScript Java Python

👉 Frameworks

Ruby on Rails Node.js

👉 Infrastructure, DevOps & Cloud

Docker AWS Digital Ocean Heroku Hetzner Drone CI Jenkins Twilio GitHub Pages

👉 Backend Development

HTML CSS Bootstrap

👉 Databases

MySQL SQLite PostgreSQL Neo4j Amazon DynamoDB MongoDB

👉 Software & Tools

Linux IntelliJ IDEA Visual Studio Code PHPStorm PyCharm Replit WebStorm

🌍 Community Involvement

I'm always excited to be involved in the tech community, and contribute to open-source projects and participating in discussions. Feel free to reach out if you're looking for collaboration or just a tech chat!

📫 Let's Connect

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