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Camunda Modeler plugin starter

Compatible with Camunda Modeler version 5.0 Plugin Type Plugin Type


This boilerplate serves as a starting point for creating your own plugin for the Camunda Modeler, based on the plug-in example, and makes you able to directly test your own modules, bootstrapping a development setup that spawns a small webserver and rebuilds your app on changes run.

Development Setup

Use npm, the Node.js package manager to download and install required dependencies.

To make the Camunda Modeler aware of your plug-in you must link the plug-in to the Camunda Modeler plug-in directory via a symbolic link. Available utilities to do that are mklink /d on Windows and ln -s on MacOS / Linux.

Re-start the app in order to recognize the newly linked plug-in.

Building the project

Install all required dependencies, run:

npm install

Build the project via

npm run all

to create the sample distribution in both dist (for the Camunda Modeler plugin) and public (for the development setup)

To bootstrap the development setup, spawning the small webserver mentioned before, run:

npm run dev

Additional Resources
