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Releases: scylladb/scylla-rust-driver


09 May 16:07
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The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce ScyllaDB Rust Driver 0.13.0,
an asynchronous CQL driver for Rust, optimized for Scylla, but also compatible with Apache Cassandra!

Some interesting statistics:

  • over 1,615k downloads on crates!
  • over 520 GitHub stars!


API cleanups / breaking changes:

  • Implemented support for Tablets, a new major architectural feature of Scylla that will be a part of upcoming 6.0 release. This support is required for token (and shard) awareness to work with Tablet-based tables. You can read more about Tablets in a blogpost by Tomasz Grabiec or watch a presentation by Avi Kivity (#937)
  • Enabled shard-selecting load balancing. Before, a LoadBalancingPolicy would return a Plan consisting of Nodes;
    now, together with a Node it can optionally specify the Shard to contact as well. This is crucial for proper Tablets support (see above). Main PR #944, with follow up #969
  • Token: added constructor and normalization to increase type-safety (#948)
  • Removed another unstable dependency, histogram::Histogram, from public API (#935)
  • Implemented CQL protocol-level optimisation: prepared statement result metadata can be now used to decode rows. This saves network bandwidth if that option is enabled, because result metadata need not be sent with each DB query result. (#925)
  • Removed num_enum dependency. It was unstable, and we managed to do without it, so it no longer appears in the public API. (#931)
  • Decreased pub visibility of scylla-cql definitions which weren't intended for access from outside the driver. (#933)

New features / enhancements:

  • Improved the FromRow derive macro to suppport structs with unnamed fields. Before, only structs with named fields were supported. (#985)
  • testing: Increased timeout for fetching tracing info - Cassandra was so slow in tests that our CI used to fail sometimes... (#966)
  • Removed strum and strum_macros dependencies. They were unstable, and we managed to do without it. (#934)


  • Got rid of (most) uses of QueryResult::rows. The preferred method is the more type safe QueryResult::rows_typed. Moreover, QueryResult::rows is going to be deprecated in the next release, once the new lazy deserialization framework is introduced. We thus recommend switching to rows_typed wherever possible. (#955)

CI / developer tool improvements:

  • Removed unreachable pubs (#958)
  • Dealed with chrono deprecations (#951)
  • CI: run cargo clean before tests (#929)
  • CI: small fixes in semver checks (#942)
  • CI: semver_checks now edits its comment instead of posting new one, so that the PR wall is less cluttered. (#952)
  • CI: Tracing output is now shown for a test iff the test failed. This is a major aid in debugging in CI. (#959)
  • Reverted "CI/Makefile: disable uninlined_format_args clippy lint", as rust-analyzer now properly supports semantic analysis of such format args. (#945)
  • Appeased Clippy again (#971)

Congrats to all contributors and thanks everyone for using our driver!

The source code of the driver can be found here:

The official registry entry is here:

Thank you for your attention, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, issues, feature requests, or are simply interested in our driver!

Contributors since the last release:

commits author
40 Karol Baryła
24 Mikołaj Uzarski
10 Wojciech Przytuła
1 Piotr Dulikowski
1 Piotr Grabowski


02 Feb 16:50
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The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce ScyllaDB Rust Driver 0.12.0,
an asynchronous CQL driver for Rust, optimized for Scylla, but also compatible with Apache Cassandra!

Some interesting statistics:

  • over 1,156k downloads on crates!
  • over 500 GitHub stars; We passed 500 stars!


API cleanups / breaking changes:

  • Introduced CqlTimeuuid type. Timeuuid CQL type now corresponds to the new type instead of Uuid. The purpose of new type is mostly providing correct semantics (matching the database) with regard to sorting / comparing / hashing (#894)
  • Public usages of num_bigint::BigInt are now hidden behind feature flag. Support for num_bigint 0.4 is added. You can enable support for chosen version using num-bigint-03 / num-bigint-04 feature flags (#902)
  • bigdecimal dependency version is bumped to 0.4. Similarly to BigInt, usages of bigdecimal are now behind feature-flag bigdecimal-04 (#922)

New features / enhancements:

  • SerializeRow and SerializeCql derive macros now support skip field attribute to skip some fields during serialization (#903)


  • Documentation for SerializeRow / SerializeCql derive macros is now rendered only in scylla crate. Previously it was only visible in scylla-cql due to an oversight, which made it hard to discover for users. It is not possible to render it in both crates without duplicating it in code because of rustdoc limitation (#907)
  • Examples now use different table and keyspace names so that running multiple of them on the same cluster works correctly (#846)
  • Added section discouraging use of multiple / short-lived Session objects and recommendations about sharing Session objects between threads. You can find this section in Connecting to the cluster page of book (#914)

Bug fixes:

  • Some time-related were put behind chrono feature flag instead of time feature flag (#898)
  • chrono introduced an arguably breaking change - changing values of NaiveDate::MIN/MAX. We changed our tests to nor rely on those values. If you used those values as markers / placeholders in database, you may not be able to deserialize them with new version ofchrono(#919)

CI / developer tool improvements:

  • Purpose of Cargo.lock.msrv file and ways to update this file when min_rust job are now documented in (#913)
  • Building documentation using Scylla's Sphinx tooling now uses myst parser instead of deprecated recommonmark. One improvement is markdown table support (#874)
  • Our documentation must work with Scylla's Sphinx tooling, so it contains ToC (Table of Contents) sections that are not supported by mdbook. In order to be able to build it with mdbook we had a wrapper script that stripped those sections before calling mdbook. Now this script is replaced by preprocessor script called automatically by mdbook - so just calling mdbook commands "just works" again now (#910).
  • New Markdown parser for Sphinx parser, and our preprocessor mentioned in previous point, now support warning admonition with the following syntax (#914):
  • Fixed new clippy warnings introduced in Rust 1.75 (#900)
  • Introduced cargo-semver-checks tool to our CI to decrease the chance of releasing a breaking change after we are at 1.0 (#909)

Congrats to all contributors and thanks everyone for using our driver!

The source code of the driver can be found here:

The official registry entry is here:

Thank you for your attention, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, issues, feature requests, or are simply interested in our driver!

Contributors since the last release:

commits author
31 Mikołaj Uzarski
31 Karol Baryła
13 Piotr Dulikowski
2 Oliver Bøving
1 David Garcia
1 Nick Sippl-Swezey


21 Dec 22:06
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Due to our mistake, crate scylla-macros 0.2.2 contained a breaking change, while only being a minor version bump.
This resulted in the driver breaking for some existing projects that use version 0.10.x.
You can find more detailed explanation here: #891

To solve this situation:

  • scylla-macros 0.3.0 was released identical to 0.2.2 and 0.2.2 was yanked.
  • scylla-cql 0.0.11 was released, the only changed from 0.0.10 is scylla-macros dependency bumped to 0.3.0.
  • scylla 0.11.1 was released, the only change from 0.11.0 is updating the scylla-cql and scylla-macros dependencies. 0.11.0 was yanked.

Additionally, we published scylla-macros 0.2.3, equivalent to 0.2.1, to minimize breakage in existing projects.


19 Dec 15:13
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The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce ScyllaDB Rust Driver 0.11.0,
an asynchronous CQL driver for Rust, optimized for Scylla, but also compatible with Apache Cassandra!

Some interesting statistics:

  • over 1,018k downloads on crates; We passed a milion downloads!
  • over 490 GitHub stars!

Notable changes

The main feature of this PR is refactor of serialization API. Old traits and structs (Value, ValueList, BatchValues - renamed to LegacyBatchValues, SerializedValues - renamed to LegacySerializedValues) are replaced by new ones (SerializeCql, SerializeRow, new BatchValues, new SerializedValues). There are wrappers and helper implementations provided, designed to aid in gradually migrating to new API - see the migration guide in the book for more information. Old traits and structs will be removed in one of future versions.

New serialization API has a benefit of type safety - now, if you use wrong type for a bind marker in a query, you will get an understandable error locally (without actually executing the query on the database) instead of cryptic deserialization error from Scylla, or worse - silent data corruption.

API cleanups / breaking changes:

  • Improved support of common time and date crates - thanks Anfid for contribution (745)

New features / enhancements:

  • Check count of batch statements locally and reject too long batches without contacting the server. This PR also changes some improper usages of i16 to u16 (#824)
  • Implement Default for MaybeUnset (#883)


  • Updated Sphinx theme to 1.6 (#827)
  • Removed usage of illegal consistency level in an example (#840)
  • Removed redundant explicit link target in documentation (#848)
  • Updated UDT example to be in line with docs (#849)
  • Fixed a lot of typos (#876)

Bug fixes:

  • Manually dereference Option<&&str> in one place to work around possible rustc bug (#838)

CI / developer tool improvements:

  • Set workspace cargo resolver to version = 2 in order to get rid of annoying warning (#833)
  • Improved error handling in test_coalescing (#834)
  • Fix benchmarks compilation and compile them in CI to prevent further errors (#853)
  • Use latest Cassandra version again, as the new version fixed the problem that made our tests fail (#850)
  • Fix clippy new warning needless_borrows_for_generic_args (#861)
  • Added possibility to filter out control connection messages to the proxy (#863)
  • Commited renamed Cargo.lock file to be used in MSRV testing (#856)
  • Compile benchmarks when calling make ci so that developers can notice errors while testing locally (#877)
  • Pass the hostname of the container when checking for its health with cqlsh to unblock CI (#873)

Congrats to all contributors and thanks everyone for using our driver!

The source code of the driver can be found here:

The official registry entry is here:

Thank you for your attention, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, issues, feature requests, or are simply interested in our driver!

Contributors since the last release:

commits author
116 Piotr Dulikowski
67 Karol Baryła
5 Jan Ciołek
5 Sylwia Szunejko
1 David Garcia
1 Mikhail Pogretskiy
1 Nick Sippl-Swezey
1 Oliver Bøving
1 RoDmitry
1 Samuel Orji
1 Yaniv Kaul


12 Oct 17:54
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  • Fixed a panic in LatencyAwarePolicy when 2 calls to Instant::now() returned the same value. (#830)


12 Oct 17:23
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  • Fixed a panic in LatencyAwarePolicy when 2 calls to Instant::now() returned the same value. (#830)


06 Oct 13:04
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The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce ScyllaDB Rust Driver 0.10.0,
an asynchronous CQL driver for Rust, optimized for Scylla, but also compatible with Apache Cassandra!

Some interesting statistics:

  • over 685k downloads on crates;
  • over 460 GitHub stars!

Notable changes

API cleanups / breaking changes:

  • Bumped MSRV to 1.66 (#810)
  • Slimmed down schema agreement API to make it's usage less error-prone to race conditions and deadlocks. (#779)
  • Added Serial and LocalSerial levels to Consistency enum because those are valid levels for LWT SELECTs. LegacyConsistency became redundant so it was removed. (#792)
  • Made it impossible to specify preferred rack without specifying preferred datacenter. This was already invalid configuration, now the API is changed so that it is unrepresentable. (#775)
  • Un-pub some types and methods that are not part of intended public API. (#774). There were also a lot of other pub specifiers removed but those should not result in API-break. (#773)
  • Made StatementConfig private - it is used internally and does not appear in any public API. retry_policy field is moved there from Query, PreparedStatement and Batch. (#772)
  • Change load balancing policy so that Rack awareness works also with non-token-aware queries (e.g. unprepared statements). Now, local rack nodes are preferred in pick() and fallback() methods. Signature of ReplicaSet::choose_filtered() is slightly changed (a reference is added to predicate's argument). (#777)

New features / enhancements:

  • Changed Partitioners' API to be stateful, similar to std::hash. Changed all it's usages to take advantage of this functionality, getting rid of a lot of needless allocations of partition key. This decreased number of allocations and improved performance. (#758)
  • Driver now re-resolves hostnames when none of known peers can't be reached. This is to support the case when all nodes change their IP - previously driver was unable to reconnect to cluster again after control connection failed in this situation. Control connection now begins reconnection attempts immediately after it breaks. (#770)
  • Procedural macros in scylla-macros now use produce proper compilation errors instead of panicking, resulting in nicer error messages. (#818)
  • Size calculation in serialization is improved, hopefully resulting in fewer reallocations (#809)
  • Added support for serializing / deserializing HashMap and HashSet with custom hashers. (#808)
  • Implemented serialization for &[u8], which allows deriving ValueList for structs with &[u8] fields. (#790)
  • Some performance optimisations by avoiding cloning. (#780)
  • Moved write_coalescing() method from SessionBuilder to GenericSessionBuilder as there is nothing preventing using it in Cloud. (#778)
  • Topology refresh interval is now configurable - see cluster_metadata_refresh_interval method on GenericSessionBuilder. (#776)


  • Added docstring for AddressTranslator trait. (#796)
  • Improved docs about handling UDTs. Now it clearly mentions the fact that UDT's and Rust struct's fields must be in the same order. (#789)
  • Documentation is now built for latest release too, not only main branch. It also defaults to latest release. (#784)

Bug fixes:

  • Bumped the version of chrono dependency to the one that supports functionality that we use. (#807)
  • Downgraded criterion to 0.4 because 0.5 used version of clap that has MSRV higher than ours. (#799)
  • Fixed deserialization of compound partition keys. Driver sometimes used wrong column from metadata when deserializing them due to improper lookup logic. (#795)

CI / developer tool improvements:

  • Fixes for clippy warnings. (#805)
  • Added cmdline example of proxy usage, useful for manual testing of DNS related functionalities in drivers. (#797)
  • Proxy now always asks Scylla for shard number it connected to and sends that information back to the client. (#788)
  • Added instructions on updating documentation to . (#785)
  • Fixed documentation build process. (#783)
  • Make it clearer where new session builder methods should go (SessionBuilder vs GenericSessionBuilder) to prevent CloudSessionBuilder not getting the functionalities that it should. (#781)


  • Removed a leftover TODO. (#803)
  • Updated syn (non-public dependency) to 2.0. (#782)

Congrats to all contributors and thanks everyone for using our driver!

The source code of the driver can be found here:

The official registry entry is here:

Thank you for your attention, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, issues, feature requests, or are simply interested in our driver!

Contributors since the last release:

commits author
79 Wojciech Przytuła
34 Piotr Dulikowski
4 Anna Stuchlik
2 Pavel Kirilin
1 Karol Baryła
1 Collin Styles
1 Jan Ciołek
1 Lucas Kent
1 Rishabh Aryal
1 koheatel


27 Jul 19:11
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The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce ScyllaDB Rust Driver 0.9.0,
an asynchronous CQL driver for Rust, optimized for Scylla, but also compatible with Apache Cassandra!

Some interesting statistics:

  • over 403k downloads on crates;
  • over 440 GitHub stars!

Notable changes

API cleanups / breaking changes:

  • Removed Session::estimate_replicas_for_query. The same effect can be achieved via slightly longer session.get_cluster_data().get_token_endpoints(). (#768)
  • Removed Session::get_tracing_info_custom. The parameters passed to that function (number of retries, delay between retries, consistency level) can now be set on the per-session level basis, and get_tracing_info should be used instead. (#768)
  • Removed accidental reexports of Consistency and SerialConsistency from the scylla::statement::batch module. Those are already available through more convenient import paths. (#767)
  • Removed the reexport of QueryResult from scylla::transport::connection module. It is already reexported from the scylla module which should be more convenient. (#763)
  • Removed the scylla::routing::Node struct. It hasn't been used by any of our APIs and had a very similar name to scylla::transport::Node, so it would only be a source of confusion if left alone any longer. (#762)
  • A bunch of constants have been un-pubbed from the scylla-cql crate, as well as two internal functions related to frame compression/decompression. (#764)
  • The CloudConfig struct has been exposed to the users. The purpose of this change is to aid in implementing Scylla Cloud support in the cpp-rust-driver project. (#750)
  • It is now not possible to set the SSL context when using Rust driver with Scylla Cloud; the SSL context should be determined fully by the Scylla Cloud configuration and should not be modified by users. (#703)

New features / enhancements:

  • In case when executing prepared queries, the partition key associated with the request is emitted in a tokio::tracing span in a human-readable form. Previously, it was also emitted, but in a form that is hard to parse by a human. (#766)
  • The function Session::calculate_token_for_partition_key is added. It allows to calculate a partition key only by using a partitioner and values of a partition key, no PreparedStatement object is needed. (#757)
  • The scale parameter in LatencyAwarePolicy, which is exposed in cpp driver but was missing from the rust implementation's API, is now exposed. The previous default value has been changed. (#733)
  • The documentation theme has been updated. (#737)

Bug fixes:

  • The RoutingInfo struct to load balancing policies used to have incorrect consistency level set. This is now fixed, and a regression test has been added. (#743)
  • If one of the hostnames passed as a contact point cannot be resolved, the driver would fail to create a session, even if other nodes would resolve correctly. This is now fixed and the driver will succeed in such scenario. (#753)

CI / developer tool improvements:

  • The timeout of CI jobs has been reduced from the default 6 hours to 1 hour. (#734)


  • Non-public dependencies of the driver were updated. (#769, #755)
  • The example has been removed. It promoted bad practices; we recommend only using one Session object per application. (#728)
  • Uses of SimpleStrategy has been removed from examples and documentation. This strategy will become deprecated in ScyllaDB in the future, and we no longer want to promote its use in learning materials. (#726)
  • The runners in our CI has been temporarily downgraded to use Ubuntu 20.04. The reason for this change is that the ccm tool, used by the CI, requires Python 2 which is no longer available in the ubuntu-latest runner. Requirement for Python 2 will be dropped with the next ScyllaDB release, and the system version will be upgraded again after this happens. (#752)
  • docker compose version has been upgraded from V1 to V2 in the CI. The old one stopped receiving updates. (#761)

Congrats to all contributors and thanks everyone for using our driver!

The source code of the driver can be found here:

The official registry entry is here:

Thank you for your attention, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, issues, feature requests, or are simply interested in our driver!

Contributors since the last release:

commits author
20 Piotr Dulikowski
15 Wojciech Przytuła
11 Piotr Grabowski
3 Jan Ciolek
2 David Garcia
2 Gor Stepanyan
1 Lucas Kent


05 Jun 20:43
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  • An optimization has been (re)added which improves efficiency of the LWT queries. It causes the driver to always choose replicas in the ring order which improves performance when there is a lot of per-partition key contention. (#717)
  • The driver now closes connections if there is no response to CQL keepalives. (#731)
  • TCP-level keepalives have been added. (#735)
  • There is an option now to switch off write coalescing optimization in the driver. This "optimization" is technically a tradeoff - it improves efficiency when the throughput is high, but may cause worse latency in a busy application which does not send so many queries. (#725)

Security fixes:


  • After execution profile support merge, the serial consistency was no longer set by default. It was an unintended and undocumented change; it is now fixed and the driver properly sets it to LocalSerial by default. (#729)


  • The SessionConfig::add_known_nodes{_addr} and SessionBuilder::known_nodes{_addr} functions were made more generic and now they accept a wider range of argument types. (#705)
  • Clarified wording in the doc page about batches. (#712)
  • An outdated driver version was specified in an example on the "Create project" page, now it points to a much newer one. (#715)
  • An obsolete comment was removed from examples. (#716)
  • A latency aware policy test with a very long name has been refactored so that it does not rely on timing, no longer causing flakiness of the CI. (#714)
  • The CI now sets the RUST_BACKTRACE=full environment variable which causes full backtraces to be printed when panic occurs in tests. This should help in debugging issues, especially those that only occur in CI. (#719)
  • Integration tests have been refactored into a single binary. This should reduce the time needed to build the tests and improve test parallelism. (#730)


21 Apr 16:46
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  • Token awareness now works correctly with execute_iter. (#700)
  • A deadlock that occurs immediately when trying to send a query with latency aware policy set is now fixed. (#697)
  • The documentation used to accidentally strip rust attributes from code examples, which is now fixed. (#684)
  • If the database responds with an error during connection handshake, it will now be properly propagated to users. (#686)


  • The set_retry_policy/get_retry_policy methods were brought back (they were removed previously with the introduction of execution profiles). (#707)
  • The default load balancing policy now supports rack-aware load balancing. (#666)
  • Serialization/deserialization is now possible for array types. (#693)
  • Various extensions to the execution profile API needed for the cpp-rust-driver project were added. (#690)
  • The documentation now contains an example that shows how to connect to a serverless cluster. (#685)


  • Tests for the serverless support have been added. (#689, #694)