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This package provides methods to benchmark motion planning algorithms and aggregate/plot
statistics.  The core of the functionality lies in the BenchmarkExecutor class.  Using
the BenchmarkExecutor requires an instance of the BenchmarkOptions class, which reads
benchmark parameters from the ROS parameter server.

This class reads in parameters and options for the benchmarks to run from the ROS
parameter server.  The format of the parameters is assumed to be in the following form:

        host: [hostname/IP address of ROS Warehouse node]                           # Default localhost
        port: [port number of ROS Warehouse node]                                   # Default 33829
        scene_name: [Name of the planning scene to use for benchmarks]              # REQUIRED
        runs: [Number of runs for each planning algorithm on each request]          # Default 10
        group: [The name of the group to plan]                                      # REQUIRED
        timeout: [The maximum time for a single run; seconds]                       # Default 10.0
        output_directory: [The directory to write the output to]                    # Default is current working directory

        start_states: [Regex for the stored start states in the warehouse to try]   # Default ""
        path_constraints: [Regex for the path constraints to benchmark]             # Default ""

        queries: [Regex for the motion plan queries in the warehouse to try]        # Default .*
        goal_constraints: [Regex for the goal constraints to benchmark]             # Default ""
        trajectory_constraints: [Regex for the trajectory constraints to benchmark] # Default ""

        workspace: [Bounds of the workspace the robot plans in.  This is an AABB]   # Optional
            frame_id: [The frame the workspace parameters are specified in]
            min_corner: [Coordinates of the minimum corner of the AABB]
                x: [x-value]
                y: [y-value]
                z: [z-value]
            max_corner: [Coordinates of the maximum corner of the AABB]
                x: [x-value]
                y: [y-value]
                z: [z-value]
        - plugin: [The name of the planning plugin the planners are in]             # REQUIRED
          planners:                                                                 # REQUIRED
            - A list of planners
            - from the plugin above
            - to benchmark the
            - queries in.
        - plugin: ...
            - ...

This class creates a set of MotionPlanRequests that respect the parameters given in the
supplied instance of BenchmarkOptions and then executes the requests on each of the
planners specified.  From the BenchmarkOptions, queries, goal_constraints, and
trajectory_constraints are treated as separate queries.  If a set of start_states is
specified, each query, goal_constraints, and trajectory_constraints is attempted with
each start state (existing start states from a query are ignored).  Similarly, the
(optional) set of path constraints is combined combinatorially with the start-query and
start-goal_constraints pairs (existing path_constraints) from a query are ignored).
The workspace, if specified, overrides any existing workspace parameters.

The benchmarks are executed and many interesting parameters are aggregated and written to
a logfile.  A script ( is supplied to parse this data and
plot the statistics.  The benchmarking pipeline does not utilize MoveGroup, and
PlanningRequestAdaptors are NOT invoked.

It is possible to customize a benchmark run by deriving a class from BenchmarkExecutor
and overriding one or more of the virtual functions.  Additionally, a set of functions
exists for ease of customization in derived classes:
    - preRunEvent (invoked immediately before each call to solve)
    - postRunEvent (invoked immediately after each call to solve)
    - plannerSwitchEvent (invoked when the planner changes during benchmarking)
    - querySwitchEvent (invoked before a new benchmark problem begin execution)

Note, in the above, a benchmark is a concrete instance of a PlanningScene, start state,
goal constraints / trajectory_constraints, and (optionally) path_constraints.  A run is
one attempt by a specific planner to solve the benchmark.


Enhanced benchmark functionality for MoveIt!






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