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A small ML-like, type-checked, interpreted or x86-64 compiled, language created because it's weekend

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silly-ml (aka vacation-ml) is a:

  • small ML-like, type-checked language,
  • interpreted in a REPL or compiled to x86-64 assembly (with garbage getting both marked and sweeped),
  • created because it's weekend and because I haven't written one before,
  • coded in OCaml and inspired by OCaml.

Disclaimer: the silly prefix indicates that this is a hobby project with no other purpose than to learn and explore and it should definently be interpreted as an homage to its big brothers.


Simplest way to try it out is by using Docker:

docker run -it rootmos/silly-ml


Here's an example session from the REPL:

> 7;;
7: int
> type foo = A | B of int;;
> A;;
A: foo
> B 7;;
B 7: foo
> let f x = match x with A -> 0 | B i -> i;;
> f;;
<fun>: foo -> int
> f A;;
0: int
> f (B 3);;
3: int
> type bar = C of foo;;
> C A;;
C A: bar
> f (C A);;
typed error: unification failed
> ((), 7);;
((), 7): (unit, int)
> 3 * (7 - (1 + 2));;
12: int
> let x = 7;;
> print_int x;; print_newline ();;
(): unit
> let f x y = x + y;;
> f;;
<fun>: int -> int -> int
> let g = f 1;;
> g;;
<fun>: int -> int
> let h = f 2;;
> h;;
<fun>: int -> int
> g 2;;
3: int
> h 2;;
4: int
> let sum n = let rec go acc i = match i with 0 -> acc | _ -> go (acc + i) (i - 1) in go 0 n;;
> sum;;
<fun>: int -> int
> sum 6;;
21: int
> let rec fib n = match n with 0 -> 0 | 1 -> 1 | n -> (fib (n - 1)) + (fib (n - 2));;
> fib 5;;
5: int
> fib 6;;
8: int


A small ML-like, type-checked, interpreted or x86-64 compiled, language created because it's weekend







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