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close to finishing #6: subdomains work
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bblfish committed Nov 24, 2013
1 parent 67ce4b3 commit 80c15b0
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Showing 8 changed files with 392 additions and 303 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/controllers/ReadWriteWebApp.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class ReadWriteWebApp(base: URL, path: Path)(implicit val ops: RDFOps[Plantain],
val rww: RWWeb[Plantain] = {
val w = new RWWeb[Plantain](baseUri)(ops,Timeout(30,TimeUnit.SECONDS))
//, path,Some(Props(new PlantainWebProxy(base,Plantain.readerSelector))))
val localActor = w.system.actorOf(Props(new PlantainLDPCActor(w.baseUri, path)),"rootContainer")
val localActor = w.system.actorOf(Props(new PlantainLDPCSubdomainActor(w.baseUri, path)),"rootContainer")
val webActor = w.system.actorOf(Props(new LDPWebActor[Plantain](baseUri,wsClient)),"webActor")
Expand Down
291 changes: 3 additions & 288 deletions app/rww/ldp/PlantainLDPCActor.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,22 +6,14 @@ import org.w3.banana._
import java.nio.file._
import{URI => jURI}
import org.w3.banana.plantain.{PlantainLDPatch, Plantain}
import org.w3.banana.plantain.Plantain
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
import java.util
import scalaz.-\/
import scalaz.\/-
import scala.Some
import java.nio.file.Path
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
import java.util.Date
import{File, FileOutputStream}
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream.Filter
import org.w3.banana.diesel.Diesel
import java.util.concurrent.{TimeUnit, Callable}

* A LDP Container actor that is responsible for the equivalent of a directory
Expand All @@ -38,7 +30,6 @@ class PlantainLDPCActor(ldpcUri: Plantain#URI, root: Path)
adviceSelector: AdviceSelector[Plantain]=new EmptyAdviceSelector) extends PlantainLDPRActor(ldpcUri,root) {
import org.w3.banana.syntax._
import ops._
import diesel._

override lazy val fileName = ""

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +93,7 @@ class PlantainLDPCActor(ldpcUri: Plantain#URI, root: Path)
} else Graph.empty

private def absoluteUri(pathSegment: String) = uriW[Plantain](ldpcUri)/pathSegment
def absoluteUri(pathSegment: String): Plantain#URI = uriW[Plantain](ldpcUri)/pathSegment

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,279 +317,3 @@ class PlantainLDPCActor(ldpcUri: Plantain#URI, root: Path)

class PlantainLDPRActor(val baseUri: Plantain#URI,path: Path)
(implicit ops: RDFOps[Plantain],
sparqlGraph: SparqlGraph[Plantain],
reader: RDFReader[Plantain,Turtle],
writer: RDFWriter[Plantain,Turtle],
adviceSelector: AdviceSelector[Plantain]= new EmptyAdviceSelector
) extends RActor {
var ext = ".ttl"
val acl = ".acl"

val ldp = LDPPrefix[Plantain]
val rdfs = RDFSPrefix[Plantain]
val rdf = RDFPrefix[Plantain]
val stat = STATPrefix[Plantain]

val mimeExt = WellKnownMimeExtensions

import org.w3.banana.syntax._
import ops._
import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._

//google cache with soft values: at least it will remove the simplest failures
val cacheg: LoadingCache[String,Try[LocalNamedResource[Plantain]]] = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.build(new CacheLoader[String,Try[LocalNamedResource[Plantain]]]() {

def load(key: String) = {
//at this point it is still very easy - only two cases! but won't stay like this...
val (file, iri) = fileAndURIFor(key)

if (file.exists()) {

if (file.toString.endsWith(ext)) {
val res = xResource.fromFile(file), iri.toString).map { g =>
LocalLDPR[Plantain](iri, g, path, Option(new Date(path.toFile.lastModified())))
} else Success(LocalBinaryR[Plantain](file.toPath, iri))

} else Failure(ResourceDoesNotExist(s"no resource for '$key'"))

def filter = new Filter[Path]() {
val fileName = path.getFileName.toString
def accept(entry: Path) = {
val ename = entry.getFileName.toString
val result = matches(fileName,ename)

def matches(fileName: String, entryName: String): Boolean = {
entryName.startsWith(fileName) && (
entryName.length == fileName.length ||
entryName.charAt(fileName.length) == '.' ||
(entryName.length >= fileName.length+4 && entryName.substring(fileName.length, fileName.length + 4) == ".acl"
&& ( entryName.length == fileName.length+4 ||
entryName.charAt(fileName.length+4) == '.' )

override def preStart() {
println(s"~~~~~> creating PlantainLDPRActor($baseUri,$path) ~~~")

def fileName = path.getFileName.toString

* @param name the name of the file - with extensions.
* @throws ResourceDoesNotExist
* @return
def getResource(name: String): Try[LocalNamedResource[Plantain]] = {
//todo: the file should be verified to see if it is up to date.
cacheg.get(name) match {
case Success(LocalLDPR(_,_,path,updated)) if (path.toFile.lastModified() > updated.get.getTime) => {
case ldpr => ldpr

* @param name
* @return
private def fileAndURIFor(name: String): (File,Plantain#URI) = {
//note: this is really simple at present, but is bound to get more complex,...
val file = fileFrom(name)
val uriw =uriW[Plantain](baseUri)
val iri = uriw.resolve(name)

* //todo: this feels like it is missing a parameter for mime types...
* @param name the name of the requested resource
* @return the file name on disk for it
def fileFrom(name: String): File = {
if (name.endsWith(acl)) path.resolveSibling(name + ext).toFile
else if (name.endsWith(acl+ext)) path.resolveSibling(name).toFile
else if (Files.isSymbolicLink(path)) path.resolveSibling(Files.readSymbolicLink(path)).toFile
else path.resolveSibling(name + ext).toFile

def setResource(name: String, graph: Plantain#Graph) {
implicit val codec = Codec.UTF8
val (file,iri) = fileAndURIFor(name)
writer.write(graphW[Plantain](graph).relativize(baseUri),xResource.fromOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)),"") match {
case scala.util.Failure(t) => throw new StoreProblem(t)
case x => x
cacheg.put(name,Success(LocalLDPR[Plantain](iri,graph, file.toPath, Some(new Date(file.lastModified())))))

def localName(uri: Plantain#URI): String = uriW[Plantain](uri).lastPathSegment

* Runs a command that can be evaluated on this container.
* @param cmd the command to evaluate
* @tparam A The final return type of the script
* @return a script for further evaluation
def runLocalCmd[A](cmd: LDPCommand[Plantain, LDPCommand.Script[Plantain,A]]) {"in PlantainLDPRActor.runLocalCmd - received $cmd")

cmd match {
case GetResource(uri, agent, k) => {
val res = getResource(localName(uri)).get
case GetMeta(uri, k) => {
//todo: GetMeta here is very close to GetResource, as currently there is no big work difference between the two
//The point of GetMeta is mostly to remove work if there were work that was very time
//consuming ( such as serialising a graph )
getResource(localName(uri)) match {
case Success(res) => rwwRouterActor.tell(Scrpt(k(res)),context.sender)
case Failure(fail) => context.sender ! fail

case DeleteResource(uri, a) => {
val pathStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(path.getParent,filter)
try {
for (p <- pathStream.asScala) {
} finally {
case UpdateLDPR(uri, remove, add, a) => {
val nme = localName(uri)
getResource(nme) match {
case Success(LocalLDPR(_,graph,_,updated)) => {
val temp = remove.foldLeft(graph) {
(graph, tripleMatch) => graph - tripleMatch.resolveAgainst(uriW[Plantain](uri).resolveAgainst(baseUri))
val resultGraph = add.foldLeft(temp) {
(graph, triple) => graph + triple.resolveAgainst(uriW[Plantain](uri).resolveAgainst(baseUri))
case Success(_) => throw RequestNotAcceptable(s"$uri does not contain a GRAPH, cannot Update")
case Failure(fail) => context.sender ! fail
case PatchLDPR(uri, update, bindings, k) => {
val nme = localName(uri)
getResource(nme) match {
case Success(LocalLDPR(_,graph,_,updated)) => {
PlantainLDPatch.executePatch(graph,update,bindings) match {
case Success(gr) => {
setResource(nme, gr)
case Failure(e) => throw e
case Success(_) => context.sender ! RequestNotAcceptable(s"$uri does not contain a GRAPH - PATCH is not possible")
case Failure(fail) => context.sender ! fail
case SelectLDPR(uri, query, bindings, k) => {
getResource(localName(uri)) match {
case Success(LocalLDPR(_,graph,_,_)) => {
val solutions = sparqlGraph(graph).executeSelect(query, bindings)
case Success(_) => context.sender ! RequestNotAcceptable(s"$uri does not contain a GRAPH - SELECT is not possible")
case Failure(fail) => context.sender ! fail
case ConstructLDPR(uri, query, bindings, k) => {
getResource(localName(uri)).get match {
case LocalLDPR(_,graph,_,_) => {
val result = sparqlGraph(graph).executeConstruct(query, bindings)
case _ => throw RequestNotAcceptable(s"$uri does not contain a GRAPH - SELECT is not possible")

case AskLDPR(uri, query, bindings, k) => {
getResource(localName(uri)).get match {
case LocalLDPR(_,graph,_,_) => {
val result = sparqlGraph(graph).executeAsk(query, bindings)
case _ => throw RequestNotAcceptable(s"$uri does not contain a GRAPH - SELECT is not possible")
case cmd => throw RequestNotAcceptable(s"Cannot run ${cmd.getClass} on an LDPR that is not an LDPC ")

* @param script
* @tparam A
* @throws NoSuchElementException if the resource does not exist
* @return
final def run[A](sender: ActorRef, script: LDPCommand.Script[Plantain,A]) {
script.resume match {
case -\/(cmd) => {
if(cmd.uri == baseUri) {
else {"sending to $rwwRouterActor")
case \/-(a) => {"returning to $sender $a")
sender ! a

def adviceCmd[A](cmd: LDPCommand[Plantain, LDPCommand.Script[Plantain,A]]) {
//todo: improve for issues of extensions ( eg. .n3, ... )
// val advices = adviceSelector(getResource(fileName))
// advices foreach ( _.pre(cmd) map { throw _ } )
// advices foreach (

def receive = returnErrors {
case s: Scrpt[Plantain,_] => {
run(sender, s.script)
case cmd: Cmd[Plantain,_] => {
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions app/rww/ldp/PlantainLDPCSubdomainActor.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package rww.ldp

import org.w3.banana.plantain.Plantain
import java.nio.file.{FileVisitResult, SimpleFileVisitor, Files, Path}
import org.w3.banana.{SparqlGraph, RDFOps}
import java.util
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
import org.w3.banana.plantain.model.URI

* Any collections in a SubdomainActor end up creating subdomains.
* Ie a collection joe in an ldpcURI https://localhost:8443/ creates a collection https://joe.localhost:8443/
class PlantainLDPCSubdomainActor (ldpcUri: Plantain#URI, root: Path)
(implicit ops: RDFOps[Plantain],
sparqlGraph: SparqlGraph[Plantain],
adviceSelector: AdviceSelector[Plantain]=new EmptyAdviceSelector) extends PlantainLDPCActor(ldpcUri,root) {

override def preStart {
//start all agents for all files and subdirectories
//start starting directories lazily may in many cases be a better option, especially for systems with a huge
//number of directories....
//currently we do no optimization, just to make code simpler. Optimization to come later.
//todo: memory optimizations
//todo: handle exceptions
//todo: deal with index file...
Files.walkFileTree(root,util.Collections.emptySet(), 1,
new SimpleFileVisitor[Path] {

override def preVisitDirectory(dir: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes) = {
if (dir == root) super.preVisitDirectory(dir,attrs)
else FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE

override def visitFile(file: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes) = {
val pathSegment = file.getFileName.toString
if (attrs.isDirectory) {
context.actorOf(Props(new PlantainLDPCActor(absoluteUri(file.getFileName+"/"),root.resolve(file))),pathSegment)
} else if (attrs.isSymbolicLink) {
//we use symbolic links to point to the file that contains the default representation
//this is because we may have many different representations, and we don't want an actor
//for each of the representations.
context.actorOf(Props(new PlantainLDPRActor(absoluteUri(file.getFileName.toString),root.resolve(file))),pathSegment)

def absoluteUri(pathSegment: String): Plantain#URI ={
val u = ldpcUri.underlying
val host = if (pathSegment.endsWith("/")) pathSegment.substring(0,pathSegment.length-1) + "." + u.getHost else u.getHost
val path = if (pathSegment.endsWith("/")) "/" else u.getPath + pathSegment
val url = new jURL(u.getScheme, host, u.getPort, path)

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