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automated pr
📖 Docs
:book: Docs
🐛 Bug
:bug: Bug
Can't Fix
Can't Fix
ci: build
ci: build
component: Avatar
component: Avatar
Issue related to Avatar Component
component: Badge
component: Badge
Issue related to Badge Component
component: BottomSheet
component: BottomSheet
component: Button
component: Button
Issue related to Button Component
component: ButtonGroup
component: ButtonGroup
Issue related to ButtonGroup Component
component: Card
component: Card
Issue related to Card Component
component: CheckBox
component: CheckBox
component: Chip
component: Chip
component: Dialog
component: Dialog
component: FAB
component: FAB
component: Header
component: Header
component: Icon
component: Icon
Issue related to Icon Component
component: Image
component: Image
Issue related to Image Component
component: Input
component: Input
component: ListItem
component: ListItem
Issue related to ListItem Component
component: Overlay
component: Overlay
component: Rating
component: Rating
component: SearchBar
component: SearchBar
Issue related to SearchBar Component
component: Skeleton
component: Skeleton
component: Slider
component: Slider
Issue related to Slider Component
component: SocialIcon
component: SocialIcon
component: SpeedDial
component: SpeedDial
component: Switch
component: Switch