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Releases: pellse/assembler

Assembler v0.7.3

29 May 20:23
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This release primarily aims to enhance performance. It features the following updates:

  • A redesigned Caching API that generically supports both single values and collections of values as cache entries, providing dual Map/MultiMap semantics.
  • A comprehensive overhaul of the caching concurrency logic, leading to a substantial performance improvement over the previous version.

Assembler v0.7.2

25 Apr 21:51
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This release introduce asynchronous caching for default cache implementation, and reverts the name of the library back to Assembler (previously CohereFlux)

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2

CohereFlux v0.7.1

07 Jun 21:16
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This is a big release, with a re-architecture of the framework allowing query functions to have access to the whole entity from the upstream instead of having to rely solely on IDs

What's Changed

  • The framework is now called CohereFlux, the whole API was modified to reflect that change
  • Now passing entities T down the entire processing chain instead of ID
  • Adding to invoke a queryFunction with list of IDs instead of Collection of top level entities
  • New BatchRule API
  • Adding factory methods in CaffeineCacheFactory for max size and cache access expiry duration
  • Replaced RC with Flux<R> in CohereFlux interface, type parameters are now CohereFlux<T, R>
  • FetchFunction in CacheFactory now returns an empty Map when no RuleMapperSource is defined

Assembler v0.6.6

30 May 19:42
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What's Changed (from Git Commit messages)

  • Adding BatchRuleBuilder and BatchRule for easier integration with Spring GraphQL
import io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.Rule.BatchRule;

import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.Rule.batchRule;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.RuleMapper.oneToMany;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.RuleMapper.oneToOne;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.AutoCacheFactory.autoCache;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.CacheFactory.cached;

public class PatientObservationGraphQLController {

    private final PatientService patientService;

    private final BatchRule<Patient, BodyMeasurement> bodyMeasurementBatchRule;
    private final BatchRule<Patient, List<SpO2>> spO2BatchRule;

    PatientObservationGraphQLController(PatientService ps, BodyMeasurementService bms, SpO2StreamingService spO2ss) {

        this.patientService = ps;

        this.bodyMeasurementBatchRule = batchRule(BodyMeasurement::patientId, oneToOne(cached(bms::retrieveBodyMeasurements)))

        this.spO2BatchRule = batchRule(SpO2::patientId, oneToMany(SpO2::id, cached(autoCache(spO2ss::spO2Flux))))

    Flux<Patient> patients() {
        return patientService.findAllPatients();

    Mono<Map<Patient, BodyMeasurement>> bodyMeasurement(List<Patient> patients) {
        return bodyMeasurementBatchRule.executeToMono(patients);

    Flux<List<SpO2>> spO2(List<Patient> patients) {
        return spO2BatchRule.executeToFlux(patients);

Full Changelog: v0.6.5...v0.6.6

Assembler v0.6.5

19 May 02:57
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This release focuses on performance and consistency optimization of caching, including the auto caching feature.

What's Changed (from Git Commit messages)

  • Cache concurrency optimization by switching to MULTIPLE_READERS strategy when caching fetchFunction is guaranteed to be empty
  • Ability to configure Retry strategies with specific Scheduler in concurrent cache, same Scheduler used for auto cache and retry strategies
  • Ref count instead of boolean flag to manage start/stop in concurrentLifeCycleEventListener()

Breaking API changes:

  • concurrency() factory methods renamed to xxxRetryStrategy() in AutoCacheFactoryBuilder
var assembler = assemblerOf(Transaction.class)
    rule(BillingInfo::customerId, oneToOne(cached(this::getBillingInfo,
        .maxWindowSizeAndTime(100, ofSeconds(5))
        .errorHandler(error -> logger.log(WARNING, "Error in autoCache", error))
        .maxRetryStrategy(50) // used to be named `concurrency()`
    rule(OrderItem::customerId, oneToMany(OrderItem::id, cached(this::getAllOrders,
        .backoffRetryStrategy(100, ofMillis(10)) // used to be named `concurrency()`

Dependencies upgrades

  • Project Reactor 3.5.6
  • Kotlin 1.8.21

Assembler v0.6.4

15 Apr 13:23
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What's Changed

  • New errorHandler() methods on AutoCacheFactoryBuilder to simplify error handler config when we only want to log the error and continue processing
  • New concurrency() method, ability to configure concurrency settings on AutoCacheFactoryBuilder for the underlying ConcurrentCache
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.Assembler;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.AssemblerBuilder.assemblerOf;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.RuleMapper.oneToMany;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.RuleMapper.oneToOne;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.Rule.rule;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.CacheFactory.cached;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.AutoCacheFactoryBuilder.autoCacheBuilder;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.AutoCacheFactory.OnErrorContinue.onErrorContinue;
import static java.time.Duration.*;
import static java.lang.System.Logger.Level.WARNING;
import static java.lang.System.getLogger;

var logger = getLogger("logger");
Consumer<Throwable> logWarning = error -> logger.log(WARNING, "Error in autoCache", error);

Flux<BillingInfo> billingInfoFlux = ... // BillingInfo data coming from e.g. Kafka;
Flux<OrderItem> orderItemFlux = ... // OrderItem data coming from e.g. Kafka;

var assembler = assemblerOf(Transaction.class)
        rule(BillingInfo::customerId, oneToOne(cached(this::getBillingInfo,
                .maxWindowSizeAndTime(100, ofSeconds(5))
                .errorHandler(error -> logger.log(WARNING, error)) // New `errorHandler()` method
                .concurrency(20) // New `concurrency()` method -> maxAttempts = 20
        rule(OrderItem::customerId, oneToMany(OrderItem::id, cached(this::getAllOrders,
                .errorHandler(logWarning) // New `errorHandler()` method
                .concurrency(20, ofMillis(10)) // New `concurrency()` method -> maxAttempts = 20, delay = 10 ms
var transactionFlux = getCustomers()

Dependencies upgrades

  • Caffeine 3.1.6

Assembler v0.6.3

12 Apr 16:54
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What's Changed

  • Renamed AutoCacheFactoryBuilder.autoCache() to AutoCacheFactoryBuilder.autoCacheBuilder():
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.Assembler;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.AssemblerBuilder.assemblerOf;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.RuleMapper.oneToMany;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.RuleMapper.oneToOne;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.Rule.rule;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.CacheFactory.cached;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.AutoCacheFactoryBuilder.autoCacheBuilder;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.AutoCacheFactory.OnErrorContinue.onErrorContinue;
import static java.time.Duration.*;
import static java.lang.System.Logger.Level.WARNING;
import static java.lang.System.getLogger;

var logger = getLogger("warning-logger");
Consumer<Throwable> logWarning = error -> logger.log(WARNING, "Error in autoCache", error);

Flux<BillingInfo> billingInfoFlux = ... // BillingInfo data coming from e.g. Kafka;
Flux<OrderItem> orderItemFlux = ... // OrderItem data coming from e.g. Kafka;

var assembler = assemblerOf(Transaction.class)
        rule(BillingInfo::customerId, oneToOne(cached(this::getBillingInfo,
            autoCacheBuilder(billingInfoFlux) // Used to be `autoCache()`, now `autoCacheBuilder()`
                .maxWindowSizeAndTime(100, ofSeconds(5))
        rule(OrderItem::customerId, oneToMany(OrderItem::id, cached(this::getAllOrders,
            autoCacheBuilder(orderItemFlux) // Used to be `autoCache()`, now `autoCacheBuilder()`
var transactionFlux = getCustomers()

Dependencies upgrades

  • Project Reactor 3.5.5

Assembler v0.6.2

12 Apr 14:18
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What's Changed

  • New autoCache() event based helper method to avoid using AutoCacheFactoryBuilder when using default windowing strategy, error handler, life cycle management and scheduler:
import io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.Assembler;
import io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.CacheFactory.CacheTransformer;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.AssemblerBuilder.assemblerOf;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.RuleMapper.oneToMany;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.RuleMapper.oneToOne;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.Rule.rule;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.CacheFactory.cached;
import static io.github.pellse.reactive.assembler.caching.AutoCacheFactory.autoCache;

// Example of your custom domain events not known by the Assembler Library
sealed interface MyEvent<T> {
    T item();
record Add<T>(T item) implements MyEvent<T> {}
record Delete<T>(T item) implements MyEvent<T> {}

record MyOtherEvent<T>(T value, boolean isAddEvent) {}

// E.g. Flux coming from a CDC/Kafka source
Flux<MyOtherEvent<BillingInfo>> billingInfoFlux = Flux.just(
    new MyOtherEvent<>(billingInfo1, true), new MyOtherEvent<>(billingInfo2, true),
    new MyOtherEvent<>(billingInfo2, false), new MyOtherEvent<>(billingInfo3, false));

// E.g. Flux coming from a CDC/Kafka source
Flux<MyEvent<OrderItem>> orderItemFlux = Flux.just(
    new Add<>(orderItem11), new Add<>(orderItem12), new Add<>(orderItem13),
    new Delete<>(orderItem31), new Delete<>(orderItem32), new Delete<>(orderItem33));

CacheTransformer<Long, BillingInfo, BillingInfo> billingInfoAutoCache =
    autoCache(billingInfoFlux, MyOtherEvent::isAddEvent, MyOtherEvent::value); // New autoCache() method

CacheTransformer<Long, OrderItem, List<OrderItem>> orderItemAutoCache =
    autoCache(orderItemFlux, Add.class::isInstance, MyEvent::item); // New autoCache() method

Assembler<Customer, Flux<Transaction>> assembler = assemblerOf(Transaction.class)
        rule(BillingInfo::customerId, oneToOne(cached(this::getBillingInfo, billingInfoAutoCache))),
        rule(OrderItem::customerId, oneToMany(OrderItem::id, cached(this::getAllOrders, orderItemAutoCache))),
  • Replaced onErrorStop() with onErrorContinue() as the default autoCache() error handler

Dependencies upgrades

  • Kotlin 1.8.20

Assembler v0.6.1

31 Mar 17:04
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What's Changed

  • Default Concurrent Cache wrapper for all cache implementations
  • Ability to plug custom Scheduler in autoCache
  • No param cache() now implemented with a HashMap instead of ConcurrentHashMap as concurrentCache() provides correct concurrency semantic
  • new concurrentLifeCycleEventListener() separated from adapter logic
  • putAll() delegates to Caffeine synchronous LoadingCache in CaffeineCacheFactory
  • ConcurrencyStrategy defaults to SINGLE_READER
  • ConcurrentCacheFactory.concurrentCache() can now be configured with different ConcurrencyStrategy
  • New autoCache() with default config to avoid using AutoCacheFactoryBuilder for simple cases

Dependencies upgrades

  • Project Reactor 3.5.4
  • Caffeine Cache 3.1.5

Assembler v0.6.0

23 Feb 20:04
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Big release involving partial rewrite of the Assembler Library core, small breaking API changes, improved concurrency performance and reliability of caching, better error handling and many bug fixes:

What's Changed

  • Unified cache interface for one to one and one to many rules
  • Refactoring AutoCacheFactory and ConcurrentCache for non-blocking CAS (compare and swap) read-write locking semantics
  • ID extractor function passed to oneToMany() to allow comparisons by ID
  • Generic Retry strategies can be injected in ConcurrentCache
  • Ability to register SubscriptionEventListener to control the subscription of the inner Flux in AutoCacheFactory
  • CacheFactory.cached() can now fall back to directly call fetchFunction when an error occurs in the underlying cache itself
  • New decorator functions in ConcurrentCacheFactory to make any CacheFactory safe for concurrent usage

Breaking API changes:

  • withIdExtractor() renamed to withCorrelationIdExtractor() in AssemblerBuilder
  • ID extractor function passed to oneToMany()
var assembler = assemblerOf(Transaction.class)
        rule(BillingInfo::customerId, oneToOne(cached(this::getBillingInfo), BillingInfo::new)),
        rule(OrderItem::customerId, oneToMany(OrderItem::id, cached(this::getAllOrders))),
  • Overloaded versions of AutoCacheFactory.autoCache() replaced with AutoCacheFactoryBuilder.autoCache() and AutoCacheFactoryBuilder.autoCacheEvents()
var assembler = assemblerOf(Transaction.class)
        rule(BillingInfo::customerId, oneToOne(cached(
        rule(OrderItem::customerId, oneToMany(OrderItem::id, cached(getAllOrders, cache(),
            autoCache(orderItemFlux, CDCAdd.class::isInstance, CDC::item)

Dependencies upgrades

  • Project Reactor 3.5.3
  • Caffeine Cache 3.1.4
  • Kotlin 1.8.10