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Seamus Tuohy edited this page May 8, 2014 · 4 revisions

Build Documentation

Build Folder Structure

  ├── exe.<platform>-<python version>/
  ├── <- The file you are reading.
  ├── resources/
  └── scripts/

exe.<platform>-<python version>/

A set of folders containing all final bundled executables created by cx_freeze in the build process.

Built for a 64 bit linux machine with python3.3 this will look like:


These folders are not tracked by version control


All scripts used by the build process


All resources created during the build process.

This includes:

  • All bundled extensions
  • Compiled assets file ( )

This folder is not tracked by version control

cx_freeze instructions

Get cx_freeze

To build cross platform images we use the cx_freeze tool.

To install cx_freeze you can download it or build it from source using the README provided upon downloading it.

Fixing Build Errors

  • I can't build cx_freeze.

If you encounter an error like the one below it could be that the version of python you are using was compiled without a shared library.

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpython3.3
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

You will want to reconfigure & install your version of python using the following option.

./configure --enable-shared
  • python3.3 does not work when I re-compile it with enable-shared

If you are using python3.3, which is the version of python being used for this project you may have some problems with runing python3.3 after compiling it with enable-shared. The solution to this is to edit /etc/ or create something in /etc/ to add /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/lib64. Then run ldconfig.

Preparing the project for building

Adding Extensions to Builds

Extensions are built-in to the Commotion client by adding them to the extension folder and then adding that folder name to the core_extensions list in the

core_extensions = ["config_editor", "main_window", "your_extension_name"]

Creating an executable


  • go to the root directory of the project.
  • type make linux
  • The executables folder will be created in the build directory.
  • run the Commotion executable in the executables folder.

The setup script

The script in the root directory is not a traditional distutils script. It is actually a customized cx_freeze setup script. You can find documentation for it on the cx_freeze docs site and a searchable mailing list on sourceforge.
