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Releases: ollama/ollama


02 Jun 03:30
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What's Changed

  • Fixed issue on Windows 10 and 11 with Intel CPUs with integrated GPUs where Ollama would encounter an error

Full Changelog: v0.1.40...v0.1.41


31 May 05:49
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ollama continuing to capture bugs

New models

  • Codestral: Codestral is Mistral AI’s first-ever code model designed for code generation tasks.
  • IBM Granite Code: now in 3B and 8B parameter sizes.
  • Deepseek V2: A Strong, Economical, and Efficient Mixture-of-Experts Language Model

What's Changed

  • Fixed out of memory and incorrect token issues when running Codestral on 16GB Macs
  • Fixed issue where full-width characters (e.g. Japanese, Chinese, Russian) were deleted at end of the line when using ollama run

New Examples

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.39...v0.1.40


22 May 02:46
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New models

  • Cohere Aya 23: A new state-of-the-art, multilingual LLM covering 23 different languages.
  • Mistral 7B 0.3: A new version of Mistral 7B with initial support for function calling.
  • Phi-3 Medium: a 14B parameters, lightweight, state-of-the-art open model by Microsoft.
  • Phi-3 Mini 128K and Phi-3 Medium 128K: versions of the Phi-3 models that support a context window size of 128K
  • Granite code: A family of open foundation models by IBM for Code Intelligence

Llama 3 import

It is now possible to import and quantize Llama 3 and its finetunes from Safetensors format to Ollama.

First, clone a Hugging Face repo with a Safetensors model:

git clone
cd Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct

Next, create a Modelfile:


TEMPLATE """{{ if .System }}<|start_header_id|>system<|end_header_id|>

{{ .System }}<|eot_id|>{{ end }}{{ if .Prompt }}<|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>

{{ .Prompt }}<|eot_id|>{{ end }}<|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>

{{ .Response }}<|eot_id|>"""

PARAMETER stop <|start_header_id|>
PARAMETER stop <|end_header_id|>
PARAMETER stop <|eot_id|>

Then, create and quantize a model:

ollama create --quantize q4_0 -f Modelfile my-llama3 
ollama run my-llama3

What's Changed

  • Fixed issues where wide characters such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Russian languages.
  • Added new OLLAMA_NOHISTORY=1 environment variable that can be set to disable history when using ollama run
  • New experimental OLLAMA_FLASH_ATTENTION=1 flag for ollama serve that improves token generation speed on Apple Silicon Macs and NVIDIA graphics cards
  • Fixed error that would occur on Windows running ollama create -f Modelfile
  • ollama create can now create models from I-Quant GGUF files
  • Fixed EOF errors when resuming downloads via ollama pull
  • Added a Ctrl+W shortcut to ollama run

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.38...v0.1.39


15 May 00:28
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New Models

  • Falcon 2: A new 11B parameters causal decoder-only model built by TII and trained over 5T tokens.
  • Yi 1.5: A new high-performing version of Yi, now licensed as Apache 2.0. Available in 6B, 9B and 34B sizes.

What's Changed

ollama ps

A new command is now available: ollama ps. This command displays currently loaded models, their memory footprint, and the processors used (GPU or CPU):

% ollama ps
NAME             	ID          	SIZE  	PROCESSOR      	UNTIL              
mixtral:latest   	7708c059a8bb	28 GB 	47%/53% CPU/GPU	Forever           	
llama3:latest    	a6990ed6be41	5.5 GB	100% GPU       	4 minutes from now	
all-minilm:latest	1b226e2802db	585 MB	100% GPU       	4 minutes from now


To clear the chat history for a session when running ollama run, use /clear:

>>> /clear
Cleared session context
  • Fixed issue where switching loaded models on Windows would take several seconds
  • Running /save will no longer abort the chat session if an incorrect name is provided
  • The /api/tags API endpoint will now correctly return an empty list [] instead of null if no models are provided

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.37...v0.1.38


12 May 01:59
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What's Changed

  • Fixed issue where models with uppercase characters in the name would not show with ollama list
  • Fixed usage string for ollama create
  • Fix finish_reason being "" instead of null in the Open-AI compatible chat API.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.36...v0.1.37


11 May 06:37
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What's Changed

  • Fixed exit status 0xc0000005 error with AMD graphics cards on Windows
  • Fixed rare out of memory errors when loading a model to run with CPU

Full Changelog: v0.1.35...v0.1.36


10 May 15:15
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New models

  • Llama 3 ChatQA: A model from NVIDIA based on Llama 3 that excels at conversational question answering (QA) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG).

What's Changed

  • Quantization: ollama create can now quantize models when importing them using the --quantize or -q flag:
ollama create -f Modelfile --quantize q4_0 mymodel


--quantize works when importing float16 or float32 models:

  • From a binary GGUF files (e.g. FROM ./model.gguf)
  • From a library model (e.g. FROM llama3:8b-instruct-fp16)
  • Fixed issue where inference subprocesses wouldn't be cleaned up on shutdown.
  • Fixed a series out of memory errors when loading models on multi-GPU systems
  • Ctrl+J characters will now properly add newlines in ollama run
  • Fixed issues when running ollama show for vision models
  • OPTIONS requests to the Ollama API will no longer result in errors
  • Fixed issue where partially downloaded files wouldn't be cleaned up
  • Added a new done_reason field in responses describing why generation stopped responding
  • Ollama will now more accurately estimate how much memory is available on multi-GPU systems especially when running different models one after another

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.34...v0.1.35


07 May 05:13
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Ollama goes on an adventure to hunt down bugs

New models

  • Llava Llama 3: A new high-performing LLaVA model fine-tuned from Llama 3 Instruct.
  • Llava Phi 3: A new small LLaVA model fine-tuned from Phi 3.
  • StarCoder2 15B Instruct: A new instruct fine-tune of the StarCoder2 model
  • CodeGemma 1.1: A new release of the CodeGemma model.
  • StableLM2 12B: A new 12B version of the StableLM 2 model from Stability AI
  • Moondream 2: Moondream 2's runtime parameters have been improved for better responses

What's Changed

  • Fixed issues with LLaVa models where they would respond incorrectly after the first request
  • Fixed out of memory errors when running large models such as Llama 3 70B
  • Fixed various issues with Nvidia GPU discovery on Linux and Windows
  • Fixed a series of Modelfile errors when running ollama create
  • Fixed no slots available error that occurred when cancelling a request and then sending follow up requests
  • Improved AMD GPU detection on Fedora
  • Improved reliability when using the experimental OLLAMA_NUM_PARALLEL and OLLAMA_MAX_LOADED flags
  • ollama serve will now shut down quickly, even if a model is loading

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.33...v0.1.34


28 Apr 17:51
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Llama 3

New models:

  • Llama 3: a new model by Meta, and the most capable openly available LLM to date
  • Phi 3 Mini: a new 3.8B parameters, lightweight, state-of-the-art open model by Microsoft.
  • Moondream moondream is a small vision language model designed to run efficiently on edge devices.
  • Llama 3 Gradient 1048K: A Llama 3 fine-tune by Gradient to support up to a 1M token context window.
  • Dolphin Llama 3: The uncensored Dolphin model, trained by Eric Hartford and based on Llama 3 with a variety of instruction, conversational, and coding skills.
  • Qwen 110B: The first Qwen model over 100B parameters in size with outstanding performance in evaluations

What's Changed

  • Fixed issues where the model would not terminate, causing the API to hang.
  • Fixed a series of out of memory errors on Apple Silicon Macs
  • Fixed out of memory errors when running Mixtral architecture models

Experimental concurrency features

New concurrency features are coming soon to Ollama. They are available

  • OLLAMA_NUM_PARALLEL: Handle multiple requests simultaneously for a single model
  • OLLAMA_MAX_LOADED_MODELS: Load multiple models simultaneously

To enable these features, set the environment variables for ollama serve. For more info see this guide:


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.32...v0.1.33


10 Apr 23:01
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picture of ollama levelling up

New models

  • WizardLM 2: State of the art large language model from Microsoft AI with improved performance on complex chat, multilingual, reasoning and agent use cases.
    • wizardlm2:8x22b: large 8x22B model based on Mixtral 8x22B
    • wizardlm2:7b: fast, high-performing model based on Mistral 7B
  • Snowflake Arctic Embed: A suite of text embedding models by Snowflake, optimized for performance.
  • Command R+: a powerful, scalable large language model purpose-built for RAG use cases
  • DBRX: A large 132B open, general-purpose LLM created by Databricks.
  • Mixtral 8x22B: the new leading Mixture of Experts (MoE) base model by Mistral AI.

What's Changed

  • Ollama will now better utilize available VRAM, leading to less out-of-memory errors, as well as better GPU utilization
  • When running larger models that don't fit into VRAM on macOS, Ollama will now split the model between GPU and CPU to maximize performance.
  • Fixed several issues where Ollama would hang upon encountering an error
  • Fix issue where using quotes in OLLAMA_ORIGINS would cause an error

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.31...v0.1.32