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;;; test.sld
(define-library (foo bar)
  (import (scheme base))
    (define x 1)
    (let ((y 2))
      (+ x y))))
$ make
$ ./r7expander.scm -l test.sld
  (define 1)
  ((lambda (%y.0) (+ %y.0)) 2))

r7expander: a macro expander for R7RS

r7expander is a macro expander for R7RS. This expander implements an expander for R7RS macros and libraries. Given a r7rs program or library, it will

  1. resolve library import sets and manage export sets,
  2. rename local/global variables, and
  3. expand all macros.

r7expander is inspired by Al Petrosky's alexpander. Similarly to his system, r7expander is a simple data-in data-out program. Some differences are listed below:

  • Main part of the program is implemented as reusable R7RS libraries.
  • It deals with the library system.
  • Technically, it uses syntactic closures as basic blocks of hygienic expansion.

Produced programs will be valid R5RS programs that may contain R5RS primitives

  • function calls, variables, constants,
  • if, quote, set!, lambda, define (only binary ones), begin,

together with

  • parameterize,
  • define-record-type, and
  • case-lambda.

Internal definitions are not translated into letrec* because outputs can have internal define-record-type, which we don't know how to expand into internal (ordinary) definitions.

Implementation notes

Non-standard built-in libraries listed below:

  • (r7expander builtin) exports basic keywords such as define and lambda.
  • (r7expander native) exports all native procedures available.


Licensed under MIT license.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in r7expander by you shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.