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NEURON 8.1.0 Changelog (#1724)
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Co-authored-by: Pramod Kumbhar <>
Co-authored-by: ramcdougal <>
Co-authored-by: adamjhn <>
  • Loading branch information
4 people committed Mar 25, 2022
1 parent 6953929 commit 335279a
Showing 1 changed file with 109 additions and 0 deletions.
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions docs/
@@ -1,3 +1,112 @@
# NEURON 8.1

## 8.1.0
_Release Date_ : 25-03-2022

### What's New

* Python wheels
* Support for ARM (Aarch64) Platform wheels via CircleCI - Python 3.6 to 3.10 (#1676)
* Apple M1 Platform wheels - Python 3.8 to 3.10 (#1649)
* NVIDIA GPU enabled wheels
* First iteration released under a separate package: `neuron-gpu`
* Must use NVHPC 21.1 SDK when you compile your MOD files (#1657)
* Improved CoreNEURON support (#1705)
* Use vendor compilers like Intel, Cray or NVHPC for better performance when you compile MOD files using `nrnivmodl`.
* Support for HPE MPT MPI library (#1498)
* Linux wheels are now `manylinux2014` (#1365)
* MacOS `universal2` package installer now available - Python 3.8 to 3.10
* Tight integration for both in-memory and as well as file transfer mode
* Extend CoreNEURON POINTER transfer to any RANGE variable in a NRN_THREAD (#1622)
* Support for BEFORE/AFTER constructs in MOD file (#1581)
* SaveState support added (#1586)
* Dynamic extracellular tortuosity and volume fraction (#1260)
* 3D support for importing multiple morphologies and for moving imported morphologies (#1147)

* Dedicated CI repository [nrn-build-ci]( to check builds on different distributions. Check this if you have build issues.
* Documentation
* Integrated various documentation & tutorials from website to the readthedocs (#1674)
* Added training videos, guides and a list of NEURON publications
* CoreNEURON: usage, MOD files compatibility/migration, profiling and (GPU) performance benchmarking
* RxD programmer's reference expanded and rewritten (#1680)
* Propose changes directly from ReadTheDocs - click on `Edit on GitHub`

### Breaking Changes
* Models using `_NrnThread` in a VERBATIM block will fail now. Change it to `NrnThread`.[See #1609](
* Minimum CMake version supported is now 3.15.0 (#1408)
* Python2 and Python3.5 support dropped
* Legacy internal `readline` source code is removed, must have Readline installed (#1371)
* Python wheels are now manylinux2014 (#1365)

### Deprecations
* NEURON is being migrated to a C++ codebase and beginning with the next release `MOD` files will be converted to `C++` instead of `C`.
This might break compatibility with some legacy MOD files containing `VERBATIM` blocks.
We will update the NEURON documentation describing how one can make MOD files compatible with this change.
* Python 3.6 Is End-of-Life - drop support after 8.1 release (#1651)

### Bug Fixes
* Can use ParallelContext.mpiabort_on_error(0) to say do not call to MPI_Abort on error (#1567)
* OpenMPI initialisation crash: argv[argc] should be null. (#1682)
* Avoid segfault if error during construction of POINT_PROCESS (#1627)
* Fixes a 1D/3D voxelization problem where frusta are outside the 3D grid. (#1227)
* Allow for two point (single section) SWC somas (#1144)
* Fix for current response in 3D reaction-diffusion simulations (#1721)
* `rxdmath.abs` no longer raises an exception (#1545)
* Fixes for 3D reaction-diffusion grid alignment edge cases (#1471, #1227)
* Update coreneuron : gpu bugfix for the BBP models (#1374)
* Fix UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer errors. (#1518)
* import3d_gui bugfix for HOC classes and top-level (#1159)

### Improvements / Other Changes
* Documentation
* sphinx jupyter notebooks integration via `nbsphinx` (#1684)
* Update CoreNEURON documentation. (#1650)
* Building python wheels & managing NEURON Docker Images (#1469)
* Short tutorial on using the profiler interface (#1453)
* docs: Updated several rxd tutorials (#1061)
* docs: WSL & Linux Python Wheel (#1496)
* Update GPU profiling documentation (#1538)
* Testing and coverage
* Integration of tqperf model for CI and CoreNEURON testing (#1556)
* Add olfactory bulb mode as external test (#1541)
* Add reduced dentate model tests (#1515)
* Add BBP channel-benchmark to CTest suite. (#1439)
* Make neuronsimulator/nrntest part of the CI (#1429)
* Refactorings
* Move codebase to CPP (#763)
* Remove all code related to NRN_REALTIME and NRN_DAQ (#1401)
* Drop legacy hash implementations: nrnhash (#1403)
* Remove absolute paths from generated code for ccache builds (#1574)
* Using std::unordered_map as Gid2PreSyn/Int2TarList (#1568)
* nrnivmodl succeeds when there are no mod files (#1583)
* Fix UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer errors. (#1518)
* Remove copy of readline (#1396)
* Remove multisend specific for BlueGene (DMA) (#1294)
* Improvements
* Possible to prefer python from $PATH when building from source with CMake #1659
* User can use MPI_LIB_NRN_PATH to provide MPI library on linux platform (#1172)
* MPI Multisend available in NEURON by default (#1537)
* modlunit: Add CHARGE keyword and map it to VALENCE. (#1508)
* Allow user to specify dialog popup location. (#1487)
* Allow python section.disconnect(). (#1451)
* Implement BBSaveState for Python cells (#1355)
* macos build_wheels: add /usr/x11 to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (#1565)
* Add NRN_NMODL_CXX_FLAGS to facilitate cross compilation (#1174)
* Faster convergence rate for surface voxel partial volume estimation (#1555)
* Internal API for saving/restoring 3D voxelization (#1476)
* Prevent RxD keeping objects alive (#1270, #1103, #1072)
* Improved assignment of 3D voxels to segments (#1149)

### Upgrade Steps
* Linux wheels are now `manylinux2014`: upgrade your `pip`
* Legacy internal `readline` source code is removed: install `readline` on your system
* Python2 and Python3.5 support dropped: migrate to Python 3.7+ (3.6 is deprecated)

For the complete list of features and bug fixes, see `Commits going into 8.1.0` in [GitHub Issue #1719](

# NEURON 8.0

## 8.0.2
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