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Neural Relation Understanding: neural cardinality estimators for tabular data


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Neural Relation Understanding

Naru is a suite of neural cardinality estimators for tabular data.


This repo contains the code for the VLDB'20 paper, Deep Unsupervised Cardinality Estimation.

Main modules:

  • a lightweight pandas-based library to load/analyze/represent tables
  • several deep autoregressive model architectures
  • ProgressiveSampling: approximate inference algorithms for deep autoregressive models
  • a generator for high-dimensional SQL queries
  • training/evaluation scripts

Quick start

To set up a conda environment, run:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Run the following to test on a tiny 100-row dataset:

source activate naru

# Trains a ResMADE on dataset 'dmv-tiny'.
# This will create a checkpoint with path 'models/dmv-tiny-<model spec>.pt'.
python --epochs=100 --residual 

# Use the trained model as a cardinality estimator.
# --glob supports evaluating a set of checkpoints at once; here, there will only be one match.
python --glob='dmv-tiny*.pt' --residual

Model architectures

Naru currently implements three state-of-the-art autoregressive architectures:

  1. MADE: a highly efficient masked MLP, introduced in Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation (ICML'15).
  2. ResMADE: MADE with residual connections, introduced in Autoregressive Energy Machines (ICML'19).
  3. Transformer: an autoregressive Transformer, the architecture powering several recent breakthroughs in natural language processing (e.g., BERT, GPT-2, XLNet).

In principle, Naru's inference algorithms can interface with any autoregressive model and turn them into cardinality estimators.


DMV. The DMV dataset is publically available at The data is continuously updated. Our frozen snapshot (~11.6M tuples) can be downloaded by running

bash ./

Specify --dataset=dmv when launching the training/evaluation scripts.

Registering custom datasets

A user can point a Naru model to her own datasets in a few steps.

First, put a CSV file under datasets/. Second, define in a LoadMyDataset() function:

def LoadMyDataset(filepath):   
    # Make sure that this loads data correctly.  
    df = pd.read_csv(filepath, **kwargs)  
    return CsvTable('Name of Dataset', df, cols=df.columns)

Last, call this function in the appropriate places inside the train/evaluation scripts. Search for current usage of args.dataset in those files and extend accordingly.

Running experiments

Run python --help to see a list of tunable knobs. We recommend at least setting --residual --direct-io --column-masking. (In terms of learning efficiency, ResMADE learns faster than MADE, and --direct-io also helps. Architecture: Transformer can achieve lower negative log-likelihoods so it fits complex datasets better albeit being more expensive.)

When running evaluation (, include the same set of architecture flags to make sure checkpoint loading is correct.


# Use a small 256x5 ResMADE model, with column masking.
python --num-gpus=1 --dataset=dmv --epochs=20 --warmups=8000 --bs=2048 \
    --residual --layers=5 --fc-hiddens=256 --direct-io --column-masking

# Evaluate.  To enable estimators other than Naru, see section below.
python --dataset=dmv --glob='<ckpt from above>' --num-queries=2000 \
    --residual --layers=5 --fc-hiddens=256 --direct-io --column-masking
# Alternative: larger MADE model reported in paper.
python --num-gpus=1 --dataset=dmv --epochs=100 --warmups=12000 --bs=2048 \
    --layers=0 --direct-io --column-masking --input-encoding=binary --output-encoding=one_hot

# Alternative: use a Transformer.
python --num-gpus=1 --dataset=dmv --epochs=20 --warmup=20000 --bs=1024 \
    --blocks=4 --dmodel=64 --dff=256 --heads=4 --column-masking

Baseline cardinality estimators

We also include a set of baseline cardinality estimators known in the database literature:

  • Naru (--glob to find trained checkpoints)
  • Sampling (--run-sampling)
  • Bayes nets (--run-bn)
  • MaxDiff n-dimensional histogram (--run-maxdiff)
  • Postgres (see estimators.Postgres)

Example: to run experiments using trained Naru model(s) and a Sampler:

python --dataset=dmv --num-queries=2000 --glob='dmv*.pt' --run-sampling

Parameters controling these estimators can be adjusted inside


This repo was written by: Amog Kamsetty, Chenggang Wu, Eric Liang, Zongheng Yang.


If you find this repository useful in your work, please cite our VLDB'20 paper:

  title={Deep Unsupervised Cardinality Estimation},
  author={Yang, Zongheng and Liang, Eric and Kamsetty, Amog and Wu, Chenggang and Duan, Yan and Chen, Xi and Abbeel, Pieter and Hellerstein, Joseph M and Krishnan, Sanjay and Stoica, Ion},
  journal={Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment},
  publisher={VLDB Endowment}