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An interactive TODO app using unidirectional data flow in compose which has a stateful UI that displays an interactive, editable, TODO list.

We are using

  • Jetpack Compose

  • Unidirectional data flow

  • State and events in a UI

  • Architecture Component's ViewModel and LiveData in Compose to manage state

  • Room Database

Jetpack Compose Key Notes

  • What is state in Jetpack Compose?

Answer: State in an application is any value that can change over time.

For example it may be a value stored in a Room database, a variable on a class, or even the current value read from an accelerometer.

  • What is an Observable?

Answer: An observable is any state object that provides a way for anyone to listen for changes to that state.

For example, LiveData, StateFlow, Flow, and Observable are all observable.

  • What is Unidirectional data flow?

Answer: Unidirectional data flow is a design where events flow up and state flows down.

For example, in a ViewModel events are passed up with method calls from the UI while state flows down using LiveData.

It's not just a term to describe ViewModel – any design where events flow up and state goes down is unidirectional.