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Frank Hossfeld edited this page Apr 18, 2018 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the mvp4g2 wiki!

Inside the wiki you will find a lot of useful informations about mvp4g2.

If you have any questions about the framework, please use the Mvp4g Google Group or the Mvp4g Gitter room.

The current version of Mvp4g is tested with the latest GWT version.

Learn Mvp4g

To help you understand the framework, Mvp4g comes with tutorials and examples. Because of the fact, that Mvp4g2 is based on the ideas of Mvp4g, you can look into the tutorials of Mvp4g, to get an idea how Mvp4g2 will work.

MVP4G2 Project Generator

To start using MVP4G2 just create a new project here. Once you pressed the 'generate'-button, download the zip, unzip it and imported the project to your IDE, you can start.


There are a few tutorials related to MVP4G that can be also used for MVP4G2. For example the following blogs can nearly be used without changes in MVP4G2.

Layout: Learn how to create your first Mvp4g application and how to set/manage its layout.

History: See how you can add browser history support to your Mvp4g application. Also read about history advanced feature to learn about how to control your user navigation, use hyperlink navigation or define your own place service.

More tutorials will follow, ones MVP4G2 is released.


Take a look at the mvp4g2-example repository.