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JS library providing tools to work with MIT Open search

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Course Search Utils

This repo holds the core logic for our learning resource search. The basic API is a React hook (useCourseSearch) which provides for deserializing the params from the URL, managing the internal state of which facets are selected, etc.


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npm version x.x.x # increment this from the previous version appropriately
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@mitodl/course-search-utils exports a few hooks to assist in making search requests to MIT Open's APIs. They are:

  1. useResourceSearchParams({ searchParams, setSearchParams, ...opts? }) and useContentFileSearchParams: Derive search API parameters from a URLSearchParams object. Often, the URLSearchParams object will be derived from the browser URL, though it could be state internal to react.

    The hook extracts validated API parameters from the URLSearchParams object and returns setters that can be used to manipulate the URLSearchParams (e.g., toggling a search facet on or off).

    The URLSearchParams keys are mapped directly to API parameters.

  2. useInfiniteSearch({ params, endpoint, baseUrl, ...opts? }): Assists in making search API calls used in an infinite scrolling UI. The initial page is loaded by the hook, susbsequent pages via returm value { fetchNextPage }. The hook's result is based on useInfiniteQuery.

See Typescript annotations and docstrings for more information on hook props and results. Typical usage might look like:

import { useSearchQueryParams, useInfiniteSearch, } from "@mitodl/course-search-utils"
import type { UseInfiniteSearchProps } from "@mitodl/course-search-utils"

  platform: ["ocw"],
  aggregations: ["topic", "offered_by"]

const SearchPage: React.FC = () => {
  const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams()
  const {
  } = useSearchQueryParams({
    facets: FACETS

  // If necessary
  const allParams = useMemo(() => {
    return _.merge(params, CONSTANT_PARAMETERS)
  }, [params])

  const { pages, hasNextPage, fetchNextPage } = useInfiniteSearch({
    params: allParams,
    baseUrl: "",
    keepPreviousData: true,

  const results = pages?.flatMap(p => p.results) ?? []

  return (/* Search component JSX*/)