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harmjanhaisma edited this page Oct 10, 2015 · 2 revisions

how to setup

Windows Server

Step 1

download a program like wamp or xampp v1.8.3+

note: any web server with php 5.5+ will do!

Step 2

Place the server files in the htdocs (xampp) or the www (wamp, etc).

note: location may differ with other webservers than xampp or wamp!

thats about it for the server!

Windows Client


hit WINDOWS LOGO (on keyboard) + R and type in %appdata%/.minecraft/libraries/com/mojang/realms/
in the server files look for an folder called RealmsPatch and look for a file called realms-(Version).jar and
realms-(Version).jar.sha. look for a folder thats the same as the (version) part of the .jar and the .jar.sha.
in that folder you place the .jar and .jar.sha .
this will force minecraft realms to use a http connection instead of an https connection thats protected.

Hosts file

on windows use WINDOWS LOGO (on keyboard) + R
and type in: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
edit the file called "HOSTS" with a program like notepad ++ or similar.
and type in on the last line:

open minecraft and select realms, it should display the server "PotatoCraft"

note: you need to do both steps for it to work!

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