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Backport PR #28252 on branch v3.9.x (DOC: Flip the imshow plot types example to match the other examples) #908

Backport PR #28252 on branch v3.9.x (DOC: Flip the imshow plot types example to match the other examples)

Backport PR #28252 on branch v3.9.x (DOC: Flip the imshow plot types example to match the other examples) #908

Workflow file for this run

name: Do Not Merge
# action to block merging on specific labels
types: [synchronize, opened, reopened, labeled, unlabeled]
permissions: {}
name: Prevent Merging
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
has_tag: >-
${{contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'status: needs comment/discussion') ||
contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'status: waiting for other PR')}}
- name: Check for label
if: ${{'true' == env.has_tag}}
run: |
echo "This PR cannot be merged because it has one of the following labels: "
echo "* status: needs comment/discussion"
echo "* status: waiting for other PR"
echo "${{env.has_tag}}"
exit 1
- name: Allow merging
if: ${{'false' == env.has_tag}}
run: exit 0