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this is my blog, written with jekyll and the source of


Special pages

  • private-convert: A full site to convert media locally in the browser. I've set a custom GitHub Pages workflow that downloads the last zip build from my private-convert GitHub project and put it in the root folder.

  • visual sitemap: An automatic liquid Visual Sitemap, that uses a modified version of mattbrailsford/css-sitemap to make the sitemap look like blocks.

  • /random: A liquid-built, random post redirect page. It uses Liquid to build a list of posts, then JavaScript to choose a random one and redirect to it.

  • python-editor: An HTML page (written in the "" file) that uses Pyodide to run Python code online. it supports my libraries, so it has a Hebrew-python mode.

  • home gallery: An automatic liquid-built gallery of my posts, each with a date and featuring image.

  • 404 page: A single HTML file that looks like Python cgitb error and can lead you to one or more of those special pages.