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This code implements the "GAN Q-Learning" algorithm found in

Modifications From Paper

  • The published algorithm has a typo in it (in the form of the discriminator loss)

  • Currently, there seems to be a situation which causes the discriminator to (eventually) perfectly discriminate against the generator (even before learning the actual distribution) on the cartpole environment. I've experimented with different hyperparamters, but this is definitely there. For example, even when I update the generater 10 times per discriminator update, the training graph is still as follows


Final Results

In the end, I was unable to reproduce the results given in the paper since my computer couldn't sweep enough hyperparameters. After verifying that the algorithm is correct, I found that the classic problems of training GANs arose. In particular, the discriminator easily overfit the reward distribution, meaning that the generator got stuck and the reward function couldn't learn. Even with significant artchitecture modifications, these problems persisted.