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🧖 blocked by Mist
🧖 blocked by Mist
This will not be worked on
type: tech debt
type: tech debt
chores, performance improvements, etc
type: feature
type: feature
New feature or request
type: documentation
type: documentation
improvements or additions to documentation
type: bug
type: bug
Something isn't working
token gating
token gating
team: studio
team: studio
status: triage
status: triage
this issue has not been evaluated yet
status: core contributors working on it
status: core contributors working on it
in progress
status: community working on it
status: community working on it
in progress
status: blocked
status: blocked
status: backlog
status: backlog
this issue has been triaged and will be worked on. refer to the issue for timeline
status: active research
status: active research
this issue has been triaged and feasibility is being evaluated
site reliability
site reliability
Further information is requested
project: storj
project: storj
prod success incident
prod success incident
need: steps to reproduce
need: steps to reproduce
issue is missing steps to reproduce
need: more info
need: more info
need more info from the requester to proceed
need: investigation
need: investigation
need to investigate what is happening before proceeding
need: decision
need: decision
all information is present and evaluation is complete
late addition
late addition
Pull requests that update Javascript code
This doesn't seem right
internal request
internal request
These requests are typically from marketing. We try to work on these issues as quickly as possible.
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed