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Drawing a TileMap

Caldas Lopes edited this page Nov 12, 2021 · 8 revisions



method draw
param  {Number}   camLeft               Left Coordinate.
param  {Number}   camTop                Top Coordinate.
param  {Object}   [pg]                  Off-screen graphics buffer.


draw() draws a TiledMap.

Layer Visible property is respected.

Layer Opacity is ignored.

Canvas (or the off-screen graphics buffer) IS NOT CLEARED BEFORE DRAWING.


function draw() {
  tmap.draw(x, y);

An off-screen graphics buffer is optional but must be used if you need to control the Map position (or size) on Canvas.

function draw() {
  tmap.draw(0, 0, 0, pg);
  image(pg, 200, 200);



method drawLayer
param  {Number}   layer                 Layer Index.
param  {Number}   camLeft               Left Coordinate.
param  {Number}   camTop                Top Coordinate.
param  {Object}   [pg]                  Off-screen graphics buffer.


drawLayer() draws a TiledMap Layer.

Layer Visible property is ignored when drawing individual layers.

The use of a off-screen graphics buffer is optional. Can be used for extra image editing or if you want to use the layer opacity property (which is ignored when drawing to canvas) or to control the Layer position on Canvas.

Canvas (or the off-screen graphics buffer) IS NOT CLEARED BEFORE (that's up to you). That means you can draw several layers on a buffer, but the layer opacity will affect all layers drawn before.


function preload() {
 tmap = loadTiledMap("desert", "data");

function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 600);
  pg = createGraphics(800, 600);

function draw() {
  tmap.drawLayer(0, 0, 0, pg);
  image(pg, 0, 0);