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👟 sprint-worthy
:athletic_shoe: sprint-worthy
This issue would be great to close at the lightkurve sprint
☑️ feedback wanted
:ballot_box_with_check: feedback wanted
This work asks for some feedback!
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
📕 closeme?
:closed_book: closeme?
Triage team thinks this can be closed
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🤿 masked array problems
:diving_mask: masked array problems
This is an issue with the numpy or astropy masked arrays
🥏 discussion
:flying_disc: discussion
✋ help wanted
:hand: help wanted
This work needs some more people to help!
#️⃣ out-of-date-versions
:hash: out-of-date-versions
This issue is due to out of date versions of either Lightkurve or it's dependencies
➕ enhancement
:heavy_plus_sign: enhancement
New feature or request
📝 documentation
:memo: documentation
:muscle: WIP
This is a work in progress!
⏸️ upstream fix needed
:pause_button: upstream fix needed
We acknowledge there's a problem here, but it's upstream of lightkurve
🥜 easy to close
:peanuts: easy to close
This is easy to close!
😱 high priority
:scream: high priority
This is an issue that is important!
😴 low priority
:sleeping: low priority
This is great, but we it's not at the top of our priority list
🐌 prohibitively-slow
:snail: prohibitively-slow
This functionality seems to be extremely slow and is impacting users
🆘 helpdesk
:sos: helpdesk
This is a helpdesk question
🧪 needs tests
:test_tube: needs tests
This work needs some tests to be written
🗑️ binning-problem
:wastebasket: binning-problem
This is specifically an issue about lightkurve's `bin` function
🪟 windows
:window: windows
A problem due to windows
🥇 good first issue
:1st_place_medal: good first issue
Good for newcomers