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An R package pipelining omics-based cancer survival analysis


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A pipeline to learn omics-based survival models for cancer patients

What's the scenario this R package is made for?

Imagine you are given a data set holding information on cancer patients. This data includes a high-dimensional measurement like bulk RNA-seq data ("expression data") and some other features ("pheno data"). Among the pheno data is survival information in the form of time to event and right censoring. You want to build a binary classifier that takes a subset of your features (excluding the two survival features) as input to predict for a given sample if it faces the event (like progression or death) before or after a certain time.

Finding such a classifier involves a lot of trial and error: you will try out a whole bunch of models. Every model family again involves some hyperparameters you need to tune. The high-dimensional part of your data requires you to apply regularization to your models, in other words: tuning a regularization parameter. After you've trained the models, you need to assess them and finally come up with the "best" one, where you first need to decide what you mean by "best".

Even after you've picked a winner, this is just the winner on a specific data set. Somebody (maybe even yourself) may come up with another data set and you need to do an analogous analysis on the new data set.

patroklos will do all the repetitive, administrative work and lets you focus on the mathematical and biological part of your work.

All in all, patroklos is not the star of the show, but it plays a key role in it—just like Πάτροκλος in the Iliad: being Achilles' best friend, his death brings Achilles back to the battlefield helping the Greeks score decisive victories.

How does this R package make your life easier?

patroklos has three major goals: making integrating

  • new data,
  • new models and
  • new kinds of assessments

into your workflow as easy and effortless as possible without forcing you too much to use a certain paradigm.


We give you the tools to preprocess new data and bring it into the format patroklos works with. You specify and store everything in the R6 class Data.


You specify models in another R6 class, Model; "specifying" means fixing all hyperparameters except for the regularization parameter $\lambda$. Why? To tune $\lambda$ we split the data into a train and test cohort and determine its optimal choice in a cross validation on the train cohort. The function optimizing $\lambda$ and all the other model parameters is an attribute of the Model object and you can easily provide your own ones.


On the test cohort (which we haven't touched so far) we can now assess the trained models. Keep in mind that most models used as binary classifiers don't output the final classification, but only continuous score that we need to threshold (this threshold is yet another hyperparameter of the model). To find the model best fulfilling its job and threshold it, we proceed as follows:

  1. In a pre-selection step, we map every trained model to a single real number: a score indicating its goodness on the test cohort (like the ROC-AUC). Of course, you can define your metric here. This allows us to reduce the models of interest to an arbitrary small number if not one. The R6 class AssScalar does this.
  2. For the remaining models, we plot one metric against another metric (e.g. rate of positive predictions versus precision). Keep in mind: we essentially get as many points in the two-dimensional space as the model has different output values here as we can use every output value as a threshold. This plot or these plots will guide our decision for a threshold and therefore for a final binary classifier. The R6 class Ass2d does this.

In a nut shell


More tweaks powered by patroklos

Repeated splits into training and test cohort

Splitting your data into a training and test cohort is very close to the real-world scenario, in which the entity generating the data withholds the test cohort in the first place and you are only given the training cohort. Sometimes this split may be lucky for you, sometimes it may be really tough, but this randomness is not in your heads. What is in your hands though is to submit the model with the best expected (or average) performance in such a scenario. patroklos lets you easily repeat the training part for multiple splits into training and test data and averages in a reasonable manner in the assessment step.

Storing and reading in models

Training and assessing so many models takes a lot of time. So as your project evolves over time, you don't want to fit your models again and again. To this end, patroklos heavily resorts to storing the models and reading them in on demand. Typically you would also "store" the Model, AssScalar and Ass2d objects, either as an .rds file or, more typically, their initialization in an R script. Adding a new model or assessment is then equivalent to adding some lines of code to these R scripts. Typically, you would store your models below models/<data-set name>, patroklos will then store the assessments in the analogous file tree below results/<data-set name>.

Early integration

For a set of diverse features (keep in mind: high-dimensional data and pheno data), it is tempting and simple to do early integration, i.e. providing them to a well known model with a well implemented fitting algorithm. While patroklos assumes you always give the model the high-dimensional omics data, you have the freedom to add features from pheno data, continuous and categorical ones alike. When I started designing this package, I had the zeroSum package delivering the key models that deal with the high-dimensional data in my mind. The zeroSum package provides all the functionality of the glmnet with each (generalized linear) model optionally endowed with the zero-sum constraint that causes the model to become scale-invariant. patroklos provides a wrapper around zeroSum::zeroSum named zeroSumLI to make zeroSum ready for early integration.

Schematically this renders as follows:


Late integration

Early integration seems easy at first glance, but sometimes the fitting algorithm might not be able to handle the data you provide: features on vastly different scales. In such a case, you may want to prefer late integration, i.e. first training an "early" model on the high-dimensional data and then using its (scalar) output together with some more pheno features as the input of another, "late" model.

I'm currently working to include late integration in patroklos and provide fitting algorithms to do this.

Nesting a regularized model whose regularization is tuned in a cross validation into a another model means training the resulting model involves a cross validation. We should continue the cross validation of the early model into the late model. I made zeroSum report enough details on the (many, many) models fit in a cross validation in a fork called zeroSumLI.

Nesting has no limits as the below picture shows.



Make sure you have the devtools package installed, start an R session and then type:


Quick start

There are four R6 classes a user of patroklos needs to know about: Data, Model, AssScalar and Ass2d. To understand how they work together over the course of the pipeline and how to use patroklos for your project, you should read their documentation in the same order.

As for preprocessing, you might be interested in

  • [discretize_tbl_columns()] to turn continuous features in your pheno data into binary ones by thresholding them,
  • [ensure_patients_math()] to ensure expression and pheno data contain exactly the same samples,
  • [qc_preprocess()] to make sure the readily preprocessed data is in the format patroklos expects, and
  • [write_data_info()] to store meta information on the data set in .json file.

prepend_to_directory() helps you use Models you only initialized once to you for multiple data sets.

Using your own models

To fit into the pipeline, models and their related functions must meet certain requirements. Typically in R, training and assessing a model involves

  • a function that fits the model to training data, optionally tunes hyperparameters in a cross validation, e.g., and returns
  • an S3 object representing the fit. Often this object holds some kind of validated predictions like those from a cross validation or out-of-bag predictions in the case of a random forest. This S3 object has a
  • predict() method that predicts on new data.

We will refer to them as fitter, fit object and predict method in the following.

For many packages, these three components already fulfill the expectations patroklos has or you can at least use part of patroklos's functionality with them. To be able to access patroklos's full power for a model, you may need to wrap the fitter and the predict method and to modify the fit object to make them patroklos-compatible. There are multiple definitions of patroklos-compatibility we will elaborate on below.

patroklos-compliant predict method

A patroklos-compliant predict method declares three parameters,

  • object: the fit object,
  • newx: prediction data as a named numeric matrix, samples correspond to named rows, features to named columns, and
  • ...: additional parameters (often passed on to the wrapped predict method).

It returns a named numeric vector of predictions from newx.

patroklos-compliant fitter

A patroklos-compliant fitter declares three parameters,

  • x: training data as a named numeric matrix, samples correspond to named rows, features to named columns. It has an attribute li_var_suffix, i.e. columns in x with the suffix li_var_suffix are designated for late integration and the fitter may use this information.
  • y: binary response as a named numeric vector. Its names must match the row names of x.
  • ...: additional parameters (often passed on to the wrapped fitter).

It returns an S3 object with a patroklos-compliant predict method.

patroklos-compliant fitter with validated predictions

A patroklos-compliant fitter with validated predictions is a patroklos-compliant fitter whose S3 return value has an attribute val_predict, a numeric vector holding some form of validated predictions. Validated predictions are predictions made on independent data like cross-validated (CV) predictions or out-of-bag (OOB) predictions in the case of random forests.

patroklos-compliant fitter with CV tuning

A patroklos-compliant fitter with cross-validation tuning is a patroklos-compliant fitter whose return value has the attributes

  • val_predict_list: list of numeric vectors holding cross-validated predictions for every hyperparameter $\lambda$,
  • lambda: numeric or character vector of the hyperparameters $\lambda$.

While a patroklos-compliant fitter with validated predictions only performs a cross validation for one combination of hyperparameters, a patroklos-compliant fitter with CV tuning performs a cross validation for multiple values of a hyperparameter $\lambda$ (which may be a tuple, not just a scalar). The embraced word "scalar" is a clear constraint here and it may be worth relaxing the definition from a search line to a search grid for hyperparameters in the future (which of course involves modifying those functions requiring a patroklos-compliant fitter with CV tuning).