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Installing the Gem

Larry Reid edited this page Nov 16, 2013 · 3 revisions

This was my first gem. Here's what I learned about building it.

At the end of the day, the best link was the github intro. Yehuda Katz' article also helped a lot.

I struggled until I did things exactly like I was told. That includes that when trying the gem from the command line, before it's installed, I have to run executables like this:

ruby -Ilib _file_.rb

I thought it would be easy to install, but it looks like there are a lot of dependencies that aren't obvious because my machine has already been used for so many different things.

Another issue: When packaging to run on Debian-based systems, It looked like the gem install of the dependencies was trying to use apt to get the package, but since a package manager was already running, it would fail. I had to make the package depend on the dependencies needed by the gem.

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