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Calculating the median degree of a vertex of Venmo Users

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Sail Away!

By Daniel Kristiyanto

Seattle. Summmer, 2016

Language: Python 3.5

Required packages: os, sys, json, datetime, collections

Challenge Summary

This challenge requires participats to:

Use Venmo payments that stream in to build a graph of users and their relationship with one another.

Calculate the median degree of a vertex in a graph and update this each time a new Venmo payment appears. You will be calculating the median degree across a 60-second sliding window.

The vertices on the graph represent Venmo users and whenever one user pays another user, an edge is formed between the two users.

Rules and Guideliness

The pipelines will process the input file, compute the median and dump it in a file. Following rules is expected by the coordinator:

May I use R or other analytics programming languages to solve the challenge?

Python is used for this challange. The code was tested for both Python 2.7 and Python 3.5. However, Python 3.5 is prefered.

What sort of system should I use to run my program on (Windows, Linux, Mac)?

It was written in MacOS environtment and should work in Linux. A Docker container for this submission is also available (more information below).

Can I use pre-built packages, modules, or libraries?

No "exotic" packages was used. A minimal and Python standard packages are used (e.g json, datetime).

Will you email me if my code doesn't run?

The codes were tested using the provided script. Additionally, a Docker container with the exact environtment is also available.

Do I need to update the median when the next payment in the file falls outside the 60-second window?

Any new payments with timestamps > than current maximum timestamps or 60s before current maximum timestamps are accepted.

Should the 60-second window be inclusive or exclusive?

Exclusive is used. New payment must be > ( current max timestamps - 60s)

Should my graph contain disconnected nodes?

The graph is pruned everytime the egdes are updated.

Should I check if the files in the input directory are text files or non-text files(binary)?

Only text files with the same format with given input file is accepted.

If there are multiple payments within a 60-second window from the same two users, should they be connected twice?

In this case, the script does not add a new egde; however, it does update the egdes if it's more recent, then followed by pruning procedures and computing the (possibly) new median.

Input and Output

For this challenge, the input a .txt file containing at least three information: actor, target and created_time in a json format.

The output is a .txt file with each row is the median for every state of the transaction in the input file.


Generally, to run the script:

python input.txt output.txt 

To generate a detailed log file (e.g. Debugging), declare the desired logfile name. This may significantly slow down the process and the produced logfile can potentially be very large.

python input.txt output.txt logfile.txt


Input format (JSON)

{"created_time": "2016-04-07T03:33:19Z", "target": "Jordan-Gruber", "actor": "Jamie-Korn"}

Output format (txt)


Log output format (if requested)

MEDIAN: 1.0 
 Sorted Egdes: [1, 1] 
 Counter({'Jordan-Gruber': 1, 'Jamie-Korn': 1})         

 Time Window: 03:32:01 03:33:01 

 Actor: Jamie-Korn 
 Targets: [('Jordan-Gruber', '03:33:01')] 



By analysing the given sample file, the expected graphs are less likely dense (each vertex usually only connected with few other vertex). For this approach, adjency list is a better approach (less space complexity and portentially less time complexity) than other approaches such as adjency matrix.

Data Structure

Relatively simple object oriented designs, supported by dictionaries and tuples, are mainly used. This consideration was chosen given that a large (but skinny) data is expected. A relatively simple changes can be added should the data structure changes without sacrifying the performance.

Time Complexity

Putting aside of the time complexity for Python built-in processes (e.g dictionary.remove(), or sort()), the time complexity for this approach is O(|V|+|E|). Here's the detail:

Time Procedures Sub Procedures
1 Add a new node (actor)
| Add an egde to target | 

1 | | Check if actor exists
1 | | Check timestamps V+E | | Check / update existing transaction 1 | | Add egde V | Update maximum timestamps | E | Prune egdes | V | Prune vertex | | Update median | V+E | | Collect/iterate through graph 1 | | Compute median

Total = V+E + 2V + E + V+E = 4V+3E = V+E

Docker Package

This submission is also available as a Docker package.

On docker-enabled infrastructures run:

docker run --rm -v /Users/path/to/files:/data kristiyanto/orinocoflow 

In this case, the volume must be mounted to /data. The container will process any txt files found in the mounted directory and produce an output with prefix OUT_ in the same directory, and exit when finished.

Alternatively, container can also be run in an interactive mode:

docker run -ti -v /Users/path/to/files:/data -ti kristiyanto/orinocoflow /bin/bash

The original directory structures can be found in /insight folder inside the container.


Feel free to submit issues or reach me through email for any questions or if you spotted a pirate. Ahoy hoy!


Calculating the median degree of a vertex of Venmo Users







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