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Precise taxomomic classification system for metagenomic read mapping by using Apache Spark


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What's MetaCacheSpark about?

MetaCacheSpark is a tool that allows to use the metagenomics minhashing algorithm from metacache by means of a Big Data environment by using Apache Spark as engine.

If you use MetaCacheSpark, please cite this article:

Robin Kobus, José M. Abuín, André Müller, Sören Lukas Hellmann, Juan C. Pichel, Tomás F. Pena, Andreas Hildebrandt, Thomas Hankeln and Bertil Schmidt. "A Big Data Approach to Metagenomics for All-Food-Sequencing". BMC Bioinformatics, 21, Article number: 102 (2020).

The original metacache article is:

André Müller, Christian Hundt, Andreas Hildebrandt, Thomas Hankeln, Bertil Schmidt. "MetaCache: context-aware classification of metagenomic reads using minhashing". Bioinformatics, Volume 33, Issue 23, 01 December 2017, Pages 3740–3748.


The project keeps a standard Maven structure. The source code is in the src/main folder. Inside it, we can find two subfolders:

  • java - Here is where the Spark Java code is stored.
  • native - Here resides part of the native code (C++) from metacache, and the glue logic for JNI.

Getting started


In order to build and run MetaCacheSpark the following items are needed:

  • A Big Data cluster with YARN and HDFS (Hadoop ecosystem).
  • Spark 2.
  • Java 8.
  • Maven 3.
  • A C++ compiler able to build C++14 code.


The default way to build MetaCacheSpark is:

git clone
cd MetaCacheSpark
mvn package

This will create the target folder, which will contain the jar file needed to run MetaCacheSpark:

  • MetaCacheSpark-0.4.0.jar - jar file to launch with Spark.


Examples of how to launch MetaCacheSpark for building and querying are available at the script directory. So far MetaCacheSpark only supports build and query modes. Some of the parameters also used in metacache are available in the configuration file src/main/resources/ This file can also be passed as argument by using the -c option.

Available parameters are:

usage: spark-submit --class com.github.metachachespark.MetaCacheSpark
       MetaCacheSpark-0.4.0.jar [-a <arg>] [-b <arg>] [-c <arg>] [-e] [-g
       <arg>] [-h] [-m <arg>] [-n <arg>] [-o] [-p <arg>] [-q <arg>] [-r]
       [-t <arg>]

MetaCacheSpark performs metagenomics analysis by means of Apache Spark and
the metacache minhashing algorithm.
Available parameters:
 -a,--abundance_per <arg>             [QUERY] Indicates if use the
                                      abundance estimation feature and at
                                      which level.
 -b,--buffer_size <arg>               [QUERY] Buffer size to perform query
                                      operations. It indicates the number
                                      of sequences to be query by each
 -c,--configuration <arg>             [BUILD|QUERY] Configuration file
                                      with parameters to be used inside
 -e,--repartition                     [BUILD] Uses Spark repartition
                                      method to repartition sequences
                                      among executors.
 -g,--hits_greater_than <arg>         [QUERY] Gets candidates with more
                                      than specified hits in the
                                      classification maps.
 -h,--help                            Shows documentation
 -m,--mode <arg>                      Operation mode to use with
                                      Available options are: build, query,
                                      add, info, annotate.
 -n,--num_threads <arg>               [QUERY] Number of threads per
                                      executor to use in the
                                      classification phase.
 -o,--remove_overpopulated_features   [BUILD] Uses remove overpopulated
                                      features when building.
 -p,--partitions <arg>                [BUILD|QUERY] Number of partitions
                                      to use.
 -q,--query_mode <arg>                [QUERY] Mode selected for query.
                                      Available options are: precise,
                                      threshold, fast, very_fast. Default:
 -r,--paired_reads                    [QUERY] Use paired reads in the
                                      classification or not.
 -t,--taxonomy <arg>                  [BUILD] Path to the taxonomy to be
                                      used in the HDFS.

Please report issues at

For building

To indicate MetaCacheSpark that the build mode is going to be used, the user must indicate the option -m build. Important parameters in this mode are:

  • -e: Indicates if the input reads are distributed among the cluster by using a Spark repartition or not. If not, sequences are distributed according their length.
  • -o: Uses the remove-overpopulated-features. As theoretically, in the case of using MetaCacheSpark the user is dealing with a lot of data, this option should be used in order to avoid errors during the classification phase.

For classifying

To indicate MetaCacheSpark that the build mode is going to be used, the user must indicate the option -m query. Important parameters in this mode are:

  • -q: Indicates the mode preferred to filter hits during classification. Available modes are, sorted from slower to faster and more precise to less precise:
    • precise: All candidates are added to the candidates list.
    • threshold: A threshold value is calculated according different parameters. If the number of hits of this candidate is bigger than this threshold value, the candidate is then added to the candidates list.
    • fast: Only candidates with more hits than the hits_greater_than option are added.
    • ver_fast: In this case, only a determined number of candidates (equal or less than hits_greater_than) are added to the list.



Execute MetaCacheSpark for building with 16 executors. The database will be stored in HDFS at the user home with the name Database_16.

spark-submit --class com.github.jmabuin.metacachespark.MetaCacheSpark --conf  --num-executors 16 --master yarn --executor-memory 15G --driver-memory 20G MetaCacheSpark-0.4.0.jar -m build -o -p 16 -t /path/to/taxonomy/in/hdfs/ Database_16 /path/to/input/sequences/in/hdfs/


Execute MetaCacheSpark for classification with 16 executors and 4 threads per executor. Results will be stored in HDFS at the user home with the name Output_File.

spark-submit --class com.github.jmabuin.metacachespark.MetaCacheSpark --num-executors 16 --executor-cores 4 --driver-cores 4 --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --executor-memory 15G --driver-memory 20G MetaCacheSpark-0.4.0.jar -m query -p 16 -a species -o -b 128000 -n 4 -r Database_16 Output_File /path/to/input/sequences/in/hdfs/


Precise taxomomic classification system for metagenomic read mapping by using Apache Spark








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