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Kernel Density Estimation Tools


Kernel Density Estimation Tools

Functions aid in creating a point density distribution using Kernel Density Estimation. An optimized kernel bandwidth is calculated in R using the SAMSE method (Tarn Duong, 2007 in samse_bandwidth().

Functions reproject data, plot data, and evaluate point density on three planet surfaces.

Code has not been extensively tested, & comes with no guarantees. Contact if bugs are found.


Jacob Richardson (


  • Python Libraries:
    • pyproj
    • numpy
    • os
    • osgeo
    • matplotlib - For main (test) function
  • PROJ.4 - For reproject and densityToRaster
  • GDAL - For densityToRaster
  • R - For samse_bandwidth
  • GMT - For ellipseGen function



Identifies Density contour levels given Sigma thresholds.
Contours define areas within which lay X% of the total field density
e.g.: Within the Sigma-2.0 contour lies 95.4% of total field density.
      The density value of each contour decreases with increasing

Requires a numpy array of density values (*Z*), with any shape.
Optionally, provide a list of requested sigma thresholds, and the
grid size as a 2 item list, to normalize the density.

Outputs a dictionary of {sigma-level: density value}. If sigma-levels
are not found (off the grid if the grid is too small), they will not
be included in the dictionary.


Outputs a 2-D array to a gdal-readable raster. Input expected to be
in a transverse mercator projection.

griddata: 2D data array
outrastername - file name of raster output. If meter output is desired,
                it would be good practice to define clon or utm zone
planet        - 'earth','venus', or 'mars'. This is only needed to 
                translate to latlong projections
clon          - center longitude of non-earth transverse mercator data
utmzone       - utm zone of earth data
driver        - gdal-readable raster short name [GTiff]
outproj       - 'tm' or 'll' for transverse mercator (no tranformation
                occurs) or latlong (gdalwarp will be implemented). [tm]
ISSUES: If values are very low (normal for density grids), gdalwarp 
     doesn't work, so it is suggested that output remain in meters.
     A workaround might be to supply log10 values of griddata.


Identifies the major and minor axes directions and standard
deviations of a Gaussian ellipse defined by a 2x2 covariance
matrix. Precision is to the nearest degree.

Prints out solution, and optionally uses GMT to draw the ellipse
to epsfilename, if *eps*=True.

Outputs major-axis direction, major-axis standard deviation, and
        minor-axis standard-deviation.


Estimates point density using:
bandwidth - a kernel bandwidth (2x2 covariance matrix)
coords    - 2xN list of coordinates for N points.
gridRange - a 2x2 [[W,E],[S,N]] array
spacings  - a 1x2 [X-resolution,Y-resolution] array
weights   - a 2xN list of weights for N points (default: empty [])

Outputs X,Y,D: Eastings, Northings, and Densities in a Meshgrid
format (i.e. X will be tiled, Y will be repeated)


Runs tests for kdtools functions using a synthetic dataset.
Some tests are visual and require matplotlib.


Creates a buffer of *B*% [default 0%, no buffer] around 
N-dimensional data. Input should be a numpy array.
Output will be 2xN array, with min, max of each dimension in
columns 1 and 2, respectively.

coords       range output
[[1,5],      [[0,2],
 [2,5],  =>   [4,9]]


Reprojects long-lat data into transverse mercator coordinates
with units of meters. Optionally, set *inverse*=True to change
transverse mercator to long-lat.

Input should be numpy 2-col long, lat array.
Output will be numpy 2-col easting, northing array.	

*planet* options: 'earth', 'venus', or 'mars'
Earth requires a valid UTM zone
Venus and Mars require a valid center longitude of the dataset

Earth Transverse Mercator fit to WGS84 datum
Venus Transverse Mercator fit to Spheriod of radius 6051800 m
Mars Transverse Mercator fit to Spheriod of radius 3396190 m


Evaluates the SAMSE Kernel in R using a coordinate list (coords).
Returns 2x2 bandwidth covariance matrix.
Requires: R, KS library in R.


To install ks in R on a unix machine, you will need the following programs installed:

  • R-base
  • R-base-devel
  • Mesa
  • Mesa-devel
  • gcc
  • gcc-fortran
  • libpng14-devel
  • libpng12-devel
  • libpng12-compat-devel
  • possibly others depending on the errors given while installing packages in R.

Then in R (in superuser), run:


and choose a mirror. The KS package requires other packages:

  • rgl
  • mvtnorm

If the above utilities are installed, these two packages should install easily. If the two packages are installed, KS should install easily. To check KS installation, run (in R, out of superuser)



Kernel Density Estimation Tools






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