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Releases: isarvindone/Chromanomer

Initial Release

24 Nov 10:25
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The聽Chromanomer聽Javascript Library attempts to offer a聽colour naming system that names a broader gamut of colours than any existing standardised system while maintaining a shallow learning curve by utilising a perceptually uniform colour space scaled down to the RGB Colour Space.

By adopting an object-based modeling approach, this library is built with accessibility, customisability and internationalisation in mind. Through the use of CSS preprocessors like Sass, the generation of colours is automated, thus enabling ease of use.聽Chromanomer鈥檚 concise API is functional and chainable by design. Ranging from Colour conversions, Lookups to Palette Generation聽and Transformations for Colour Blindness,聽Chromanomer聽offers a consummate collection of methods for the most pressing use-cases. Furthermore,聽Chromanomer聽also provides a colourful CLI for visually representing colours as named swatches for easy correlation.

Chromanomer intends to be a handy tool for colourblind designers and developers that can either be used or be incorporated in building colour-intensive software (such as Data Visualisation Tools) - thus improving their accessibility. To summarise, the ultimate goal of this software is to make access to colour as universal as possible.