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InterMine 5.1.0 (RDF & SPARQL)

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@danielabutano danielabutano released this 26 Aug 18:33
· 0 commits to dev since this release

#2025 - FAIR: PURLs come from config file
#2183 - Improve external links using
#2287 - Export query result in RDF format
#2365 - Setting a property to postprocess in project.xml does not work
#2366 - Generating intermine R2RML mapping
#2378 - Update SolrKeywordSearchHandler (thanks @sammyjava)
#2379 - RDF representation for single entity
#2381 - Add a new webservice to allow BG to RDF representation
#2382 - Add reccomended properties to Gene and Protein Bioschemas profiles
#2389 - Improve term assigned to the intermine entity
#2390 - Apply ontology terms to the attributes too
#2391 - Missing term applied to the additions file after merging