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Releases: iconara/bigshift


20 Jan 07:12
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This release solves a lot of issues and updates things to where Redshift and BigQuery are today, see #22 for more information. A big thanks to @gh-mlfowler for this release.


19 Aug 07:04
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This is a bugfix release that adds support for tables in schemas other than public (see #7, thanks to @iserko for the excellent patch), and tries to fix a problem with connection timeouts for very long running unloads (see #9).


12 May 12:34
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This release fixes a bug in v0.3.0 that disabled compression by default, when the documentation said that it was enabled by default.


12 May 06:06
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This version adds two new command line arguments:

  • --[no-]compression makes it possible to skip compression to work around BigQuery's 4 GiB compressed files limit
  • --steps makes it possible to run only some parts of a transfer, for example to resume a transfer when BigShift accidentally got killed during the transfer step, or to run the load step against multiple BigQuery datasets.


14 Apr 06:51
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This release includes many improvements and updates to the documentation, including:

  • You can now set the maximum bad records to allow when loading the BigQuery table: --max-bad-records
  • Specifying the BigQuery table ID is now optional, it will default to the same name as the Redshift table
  • The transfer uses Redshift's unload manifest to determine which files to transfer, instead of relying on globs
  • The unloaded and transferred files will be removed from S3 and Cloud Storage after the BigQuery table has been loaded
  • The data will be compressed to minimize transfer costs
  • The S3 and Cloud Storage locations specified are now required to be empty or the transfer will fail
  • Logging has been improved, for example the number of files and their sizes are logged before the transfer starts


08 Apr 14:47
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This is the first (working) release of BigShift.


08 Apr 14:47
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This version has been yanked from RubyGems because of an error in the release.