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svcfmtm edited this page Oct 24, 2023 · 1 revision

This reads in the yaml config file with all the conversion information into a data structure that can be used when processing the data conversion. is a module that reads in a YAML config file containing information about how to convert data between different formats. The config file contains a list of conversion rules, where each rule specifies the source format, the target format, and any additional information needed to perform the conversion. The module parses the YAML file and creates a Python object representing the conversion rules, which can be used by other code in the conversion process.

To use, you first need to create a YAML config file containing the conversion rules. Here's an example of a simple YAML config file that converts CSV files to ODK Collect forms:

- source: csv
target: odk
    form_id: my_form
    form_title: My Form
    form_version: 1.0
    csv_delimiter: ","

This rule specifies that CSV files should be converted to ODK Collect forms, with the specified settings. The settings dictionary contains additional information needed to perform the conversion, such as the form ID, form title, form version, and the delimiter used in the CSV file.

Once you have created the YAML config file, you can use to read it into a Python object. Here's an example of how to use the read_yaml_file() function to read the YAML config file:

import yamlfile

config_file = 'my_config.yaml'
conversion_rules = yamlfile.read_yaml_file(config_file)

This will read the my_config.yaml file and return a Python list containing the conversion rules.

You can then use the conversion rules to perform the actual data conversion. Here's an example of how to use the get_conversion_rule() function to get the conversion rule for a specific source and target format:

import yamlfile

config_file = 'my_config.yaml'
conversion_rules = yamlfile.read_yaml_file(config_file)

source_format = 'csv'
target_format = 'odk'
conversion_rule = yamlfile.get_conversion_rule(conversion_rules, source_format, target_format)

# Perform the conversion using the conversion rule

This will search through the list of conversion rules for a rule that matches the specified source and target format, and return the matching rule. You can then use the conversion rule to perform the actual data conversion.

Note that relies on the PyYAML library to parse the YAML file. If you don't have PyYAML installed, you will need to install it using a package manager like pip before you can use

To handle errors when reading the YAML config file, raises a YamlFileError exception. This exception is raised if the YAML file is not found, if the YAML file is malformed, or if a required field is missing from the conversion rule. You can catch this exception and handle it appropriately in your code.

Here's an example of how to catch the YamlFileError exception:

import yamlfile

config_file = 'my_config.yaml'

    conversion_rules = yamlfile.read_yaml_file(config_file)
except yamlfile.YamlFileError as e:
    print(f"Error reading YAML file: {str(e)}")

This will catch any YamlFileError exceptions raised by read_yaml_file() and print an error message.

In summary, is a module that reads in a YAML config file containing conversion rules and creates a Python object representing the rules. This object can be used by other code in the data conversion process. To use, you need to create a YAML config file containing conversion rules, and then use the read_yaml_file() function to read the file into a Python object. You can then use the object to get the conversion rule for a specific source and target format, and perform the actual data conversion.