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List GPUs System

A simple system to check which GPUs are available in systems benchmarked with HOBBIT.

It uses "String Function Benchmark".

You can run it without GUI by using the provided benchmark-parameters.ttl:

docker run \
-e "SYSTEM=" \
-e "BENCHMARK_PARAM_FILE=/benchmark-parameters.ttl" \
-v "$(pwd)/benchmark-parameters.ttl:/benchmark-parameters.ttl" \
-e "HOBBIT_RABBIT_HOST=rabbit" \
--net hobbit-core \
-v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
-e "HOBBIT_REDIS_HOST=redis" \
hobbitproject/hobbit-platform-controller \
java -cp target/platform-controller.jar org.hobbit.controller.test.StartBenchmarkRequest

New experiment ID will be given; use it in the following SPARQL query to see the results:

select distinct ?s ?p ?o where {?s ?p ?o FILTER(?s = <>)}

See also

How to configure GPUs to be available in HOBBIT: