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Clojars Project CircleCI

A Clojure library designed to enable easy and intelligent retrying of code in the face of exceptions.

Networking code needs a retry strategy when things don't work the first time. Failures may be recoverable (temporary network glitches, an overburdened server or an expired access token) or non-recoverable and being able to influence subsequent retry attempts is valuable.


Note that this is an early release, so the api may change.

In leiningen dependencies:

[org.jasani/clj-relentless "x.y.z"]

In your code:

(:require [relentless.core :refer [try-times]])


Calls that work the first time won't be retried.

(try-times 3
           (fn [e] (println (str "received exception: " e)))
           (println "running")
           (+ 2 3))

;; running
;; 5

Example checking the exception.

(try-times 3
           (fn [e] (println (str "received exception: " e)))
           (println "running")
           (/ 1 0))

;; running
;; received exception: java.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide by zero
;; running
;; received exception: java.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide by zero
;; running
;; received exception: java.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide by zero
;; running
;; ArithmeticException Divide by zero  clojure.lang.Numbers.divide (

Example calling with an exponential backoff strategy.

(try-times 4
           (fn [e n]
             (let [delay (nth [16000 9000 4000 1000] (dec n))]
               (println (str "delaying for " delay))
               (Thread/sleep delay)))
           (println "running")
           (/ 1 0))

;; running
;; delaying for 1000
;; running
;; delaying for 4000
;; running
;; delaying for 9000
;; running
;; delaying for 16000
;; running
;; ArithmeticException Divide by zero  clojure.lang.Numbers.divide (

Retry for only Arithmetic exceptions and only after we've encountered them at least once. Our handler is able to change some state so that the subsequent retry is successful. While this example is using numbers, one can easily imagine them being replaced with network services where the client tries a backup one if the first is not responding.

(let [denom (atom 0)]
  (try-times 3
             (fn [e n]
               (if (and (instance? java.lang.ArithmeticException e)
                        (< n 3))
                   (println "resetting denom")
                   (reset! denom 3))
                 (println (str "received exception: " e))))
             (println "running")
             (/ 1 @denom)))

;; running
;; received exception: java.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide by zero
;; running
;; resetting denom
;; running
;; 1/3


Copyright © 2016 Hitesh Jasani

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.