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Strange Attractor Explorer

A simple strange attractor explorer written in Rust and Typescript. For now only the Clifford Attractor is available. I plan to support entering custom equations in the future.

How to use

The a, b, c and d parameters defines the attractor. There are two sets of such parameters because the explorer draws several strange attractors on top of each other. It starts with the values from the first line, and interpolates it until it reaches the second set of parameters. The number of points in the interpolation is set by frames. The number of iterations that each attractors is iterated for a given set of parameters is set by iters. Note that the total number of function evaluations is frames times iters. Watch out for big numbers. It is possible to control the image brightness by setting gamma. If you only want one image to be drawn, that is, dont interpolate parameters, just set frames to 1.

How to run

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Have the rust toolchain installed
  3. Have wasm-pack installed
  4. Run yarn install. If you dont have it, you can get it here
  5. Run wasm-pack build --release
  6. Run yarn link inside the pkg folder
  7. Run yarn link "strange-attractor-explorer" on the project root (this is the project name on the config.toml file)
  8. Run yarn dev-server
  9. Go to http://localhost:8080/


Check the LICENSE file for more information.