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Modern, cross-platform, terminal UIs since 2007

Modern, cross-platform, terminal UIs using .NET and Swift since 2007.

The gui.cs organization hosts projects related to gui.cs that Miguel de Icaza wrote for mono-curses in 2007. The org is now maintained by Tig Kindel.

The original gui.cs was a single file and tied to the curses library. Since then, gui.cs has been transformed into Terminal.Gui, a full-featured library for building modern, cross-platform, TUI applications.

A presentation of gui.cs was part of the Retro.NET talk at .NET Conf 2018 Slides

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The other projects in this organization are either dependencies of Terminal.Gui or related offshoots.

The maintainers welcome contributions from the community.


  1. Terminal.Gui Terminal.Gui Public

    Cross Platform Terminal UI toolkit for .NET

    C# 9.2k 670

  2. Terminal.Gui.templates Terminal.Gui.templates Public

    Template for dotnet new that creates a new Terminal.Gui project

    C# 25 1

  3. TerminalGuiDesigner TerminalGuiDesigner Public

    Forms Designer for Terminal.Gui (aka gui.cs)

    C# 370 23

  4. F7History F7History Public

    Use F7 as "Show Command History" in Powershell

    PowerShell 51 6


Showing 7 of 7 repositories


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C# PowerShell