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Data Science & Analytics Portfolio

Welcome to my professional portfolio of data science and analytics projects. This repository is a comprehensive showcase of my skills and expertise in handling, analyzing, and visualizing data across various domains. Here, you will find projects that demonstrate my ability to extract insights and add value through data-driven decision-making.

Projects Overview

Data Exploration with SQL

  • SQL Queries and Analysis: Explore complex SQL queries and data manipulation techniques using various database platforms. These projects demonstrate my ability to perform advanced data retrieval operations, including multi-table joins, window functions, and dynamic pivots, to uncover deep insights from relational databases.

ETL Processes

  • Data Integration and Workflow Automation: Utilizing tools like Apache Airflow and custom Python scripts, I've designed and implemented robust ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipelines that automate the process of data cleaning, transformation, and integration, ensuring efficient data flow across systems.

Data Visualization

  • Tableau and Power BI Dashboards: These projects highlight my proficiency in using leading data visualization tools to create interactive dashboards and reports. From sales analytics to operational KPIs, each dashboard provides actionable insights, facilitating strategic business decisions.
  • Python Visualizations: Leveraging libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn, I've developed custom visualizations to analyze trends and patterns effectively, enhancing the interpretability of complex datasets.

Data Cleaning and Processing with Python

  • Pandas for Data Manipulation: These projects focus on the use of Pandas for data cleaning and preparation, showcasing techniques for handling missing data, merging datasets, and preparing data for analysis or machine learning models.

Skills Highlighted

  • Languages and Frameworks: Python, SQL, R (basic)
  • Tools and Technologies: Tableau, Power BI, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Apache Airflow
  • Database Management: Proficiency in SQL-based systems including PostgreSQL and MySQL, as well as experience with NoSQL databases like MongoDB.
  • Data Analysis and Machine Learning: Understanding of statistical analysis techniques and introductory machine learning concepts.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio. Please feel free to explore the projects, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need further information.