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Releases: felipealfonsog/TermNotes

TermNotes v.1.0.4

30 Jul 04:22
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Implemented Changes and Features:

Create Files: Added createFiles() function to create the term_notes file in ~/.config if it doesn't exist.

Move Binary: Implemented moveBinaryToDestination() to move the term-notes binary to /usr/local/bin/ on Linux or /usr/local/bin/ on macOS.

Add Note: Implemented addNote() function for adding a new note, storing its content in notes.txt, and providing options to edit it using nano, vim, or neovim.

Edit Note: Added editNote() function for editing an existing note, displaying a list of available notes, and choosing an editor (nano, vim, or neovim) to edit the selected note's content.

Delete Note: Implemented deleteNote() function to delete an existing note, showing a list of notes, and selecting one to delete.

Delete All Notes: Added deleteAllNotes() function to delete all existing notes from notes.txt.

Show Note: Implemented showNote() function for displaying the content of a specific note, requesting the note's ID, and showing its content if found.

Show All Notes: Added showAllNotes() function to display the content of all existing notes in notes.txt.

Menus: Created showNotesMenu() and mainMenu() functions to display the available options for managing notes and the main menu, respectively.

Additional Settings: Set appropriate permissions to make the generated binary executable (chmod).

Changes Made for macOS and Linux Separation
To achieve compatibility with both macOS and Linux, the original term_notes.c file has been split into two separate files: term_notes_macos.c and term_notes_linux.c. This separation was necessary to address platform-specific system calls, dependencies, and path handling.

term_notes_mac.c The term_notes_macos.c file includes code that is specific to macOS. This version of the utility uses platform-specific libraries and functions for path handling, file management, and other system calls to ensure seamless execution on macOS.

term_notes_linux.c The term_notes_linux.c file contains code tailored to work on Linux systems. Similar to the macOS version, this file uses Linux-specific libraries and functions for path handling, file management, and other system interactions.

Term Notes v.1.0.3

19 Jul 13:18
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A new release has been generated with changes to the installation process.

TermNotes v.1.0.2

14 Jul 21:44
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In this new version of the code, several changes have been made to handle invalid user inputs and provide appropriate error messages. Here are the changes:

In the deleteNote() function, a while loop is added to check if the user enters a valid note ID. If the input is not a number, the loop will continue to prompt the user for a valid ID until one is provided.

Similarly, in the deleteAllNotes() function, a while loop is added to validate the user's choice. The loop will continue until the user enters either 'Y' or 'N' to confirm the deletion.

The showNote() function and the notesMenu() function also include while loops to handle invalid note IDs and menu options, respectively. These loops will continue to prompt the user for valid input until provided.

Inside the notesMenu() and mainMenu() functions, while loops are added to validate the user's menu option choice. If the input is not a number, the loop will continue to prompt the user for a valid option until one is provided.

These changes ensure that the program handles incorrect user inputs gracefully, providing clear error messages and allowing the user to correct their input without exiting the program.

TermNotes v.1.0.1

13 Jul 22:40
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Functions available in this version of the Term Notes software:

Create a New Note: This function allows users to create a new note by using the command term_notes create. It opens an editor where users can enter their note text and save it.

List All Notes: With the command term_notes list, users can view a list of all their notes. The list includes the IDs of the notes for easy reference.

View a Specific Note: Users can view the content of a specific note using the command term_notes view <note_id>. By providing the ID of the note, users can see its full content.

Edit a Note: To make changes to a note, users can utilize the term_notes edit <note_id> command. It opens the note in an editor, allowing users to modify the existing content and save the changes.

Delete a Note: The term_notes delete <note_id> command enables users to delete a specific note by providing its ID. This function permanently removes the note from the list.

These functions provide users with the ability to create, manage, and organize their notes from the terminal, offering convenience and a simple interface for note-taking and organization.

This is a stable version, so far.