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daniel-zsigus edited this page Jul 3, 2014 · 6 revisions

The input fields can be seen in the bottom of the page. These fields are used when editing worklogs.

  • Edit All - It may be used to edit the worklog of a whole day. By means of this option, all the worklogs assigned to a specific date can be reassigned to another one. You may read more about the Edit All function under the Edit Worklog menu item.
  • Start Time - Start time of the worklog. Required! Its format: hh:mm. Its default value is 08:00, however, if there are worklogs belonging to the given day, then its value equals the end date of the last worklog.
  • Pressing the Now button first, the current time can be set as a value. Pressing the Now button second and third times the button rounding function will round the time with the setted values first up then down.
  • Issue - The issue to which the worklog will belong. Required! The field can be filled in in two ways:
  • Typing the issue code in the field. The autocomplete function of the issue field will display the issues the user viewed already based on the typed text.
  • By clicking on the cross beside the issue field, the users can select one of the issues they viewed most frequently.

In the issue field there are more issues listed but it is always the first one that is selected. Issues can be removed from the input field by clicking on the X next to them.

  • End Time - End time of the worklog. It is optional, but either the End time or the Duration field has to be filled in. Its format: hh:mm. Its value is the current time by default. The value of the end time cannot be smaller than the start time.
  • By pressing the Now button first, the current time can be set as a value.Pressing the Now button second and third times the button rounding function will round the time with the setted values first up then down.
  • Duration- Duration of the worklog. It is optional, but the End time or the Duration field has to be filled in. Its format: hh:mm or Xh XXm. The value cannot exceed the value of 24:00-Start Time..
  • Note - The worklog description can be given in the note field. By default the default note is “Default worklog description!”. The note input field handles the text formatting annotations. (

The Issue and Note field can be copied from the Worklog table by clicking one of the worklogs appropriate cell. With this technique you can also copy the Start and End time field but in that case the values will be switched. This can be useful when you want to fill a hole between two worklogs.

Input fields

Issue Picker