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Releases: ethereum/execution-spec-tests


06 Jun 16:56
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eip7692@v1.0.1 Pre-release

This is an EIP-7692 (EOF) focused pre-release.

It contains only EOF fixtures.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


09 Mar 04:31
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🏖️ Final Cancun Release

Release v2.1.1 adds additional tests for EIP-6780, from pytest parameterization improvements and new dynamic create2 collision test cases. A minor framework bug fix is included which incorrectly updated the gas limit for blocks post genesis, after updating the field within the blockchain test envirionment.

Additional updates are below:

🧪 Test Cases

  • 🐞 Adds dynamic create2 collision tests from different transactions same block for EIP-6780 (#430).
  • 🐞 Fix beacon root contract deployment tests so the account in the pre-alloc is not empty (#425).
  • 🔀 All beacon root contract tests are now contained in tests/cancun/eip4788_beacon_root/, and all state tests have been converted back to blockchain tests format (#449)

🛠️ Framework

  • ✨ Add Prague to forks (#419).
  • ✨ Improve handling of the argument passed to solc --evm-version when compiling Yul code (#418).
  • 🐞 Fix fill -m yul_test which failed to filter tests that are (dynamically) marked as a yul test (#418).
  • 🔀 Helper methods to_address, to_hash and to_hash_bytes have been deprecated in favor of Address and Hash, which are automatically detected as opcode parameters and pushed to the stack in the resulting bytecode (#422).
  • Opcodes enum now contains docstrings with each opcode description, including parameters and return values, which show up in many development environments (#424) @ThreeHrSleep.
  • 🔀 Locally calculate state root for the genesis blocks in the blockchain tests instead of calling t8n (#450).
  • 🐞 Fix bug that causes an exception during test collection because the fork parameter contains None (#452).
  • ✨ The _info field in the test fixtures now contains a hash field, which is the hash of the test fixture, and a hasher script has been added which prints and performs calculations on top of the hashes of all fixtures (see hasher -h) (#454).
  • ✨ Adds an optional verify_sync field to hive blockchain tests (EngineAPI). When set to true a second client attempts to sync to the first client that executed the tests (#431).
  • 🐞 Fix manually setting the gas limit in the genesis test env for post genesis blocks in blockchain tests (#472).

📋 Misc

  • 🐞 Fix deprecation warnings due to outdated config in recommended VS Code project settings (#420).
  • 🐞 Fix typo in the selfdestruct revert tests module (#421).

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1


29 Jan 15:07
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🐍🏖️ Cancun StateTest Format Bug Fix

Release v2.1.0 primarily fixes a small bug introduced within the previous release where transition forks are used within the new StateTest format. This was highlighted by @chfast within #405 (#405), where the fork name ShanghaiToCancunAtTime15k was found within state tests.

🧪 Test Cases

  • EIP-4844: Adds test_blob_gas_subtraction_tx() verifying the blob gas fee is subtracted from the sender before executing the blob tx (#407).

🛠️ Framework

  • 🐞 State tests generated with transition forks no longer use the transition fork name in the fixture output, instead they use the actual enabled fork according to the state test's block number and timestamp (#406).

📋 Misc

  • ✨ Use run-parallel and shared wheel packages for tox (#408).

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0


26 Jan 14:58
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🐍🏖️ Cancun and StateTest Format Release

Contains many important framework changes, including introduction of the StateTest format, and some additional Cancun and other test coverage.

Due to changes in the framework, there is a breaking change in the directory structure in the release tarball, please see the dedicated "💥 Breaking Changes" section below for more information.

🧪 Test Cases

  • EIP-4844: Add test_sufficient_balance_blob_tx() and test_sufficient_balance_blob_tx_pre_fund_tx() (#379).
  • EIP-6780: Add a reentrancy suicide revert test (#372).
  • EIP-1153: Add test_run_until_out_of_gas() for transient storage opcodes (#401).
  • EIP-198: Add tests for the MODEXP precompile (#364).
  • ✨ Tests for nested CALL and CALLCODE gas consumption with a positive value transfer (previously lacking coverage) (#371).
  • 🐞 EIP-4844: Fixed test_invalid_tx_max_fee_per_blob_gas() to account for extra gas required in the case where the account is incorrectly deduced the balance as if it had the correct block blob gas fee (#370).
  • 🐞 EIP-4844: Fixed test_insufficient_balance_blob_tx() to correctly calculate the minimum balance required for the accounts (#379).
  • 🐞 EIP-4844: Fix and enable test_invalid_blob_tx_contract_creation (#379).
  • 🔀 Convert all eligible BlockchainTests to StateTests (and additionally generate corresponding BlockchainTests) (#368, #370).

🛠️ Framework

  • ✨ Add StateTest fixture format generation; StateTests now generate a StateTest and a corresponding BlockchainTest test fixture, previously only BlockchainTest fixtures were generated (#368).
  • ✨ Add StateTestOnly fixture format is now available and its only difference with StateTest is that it does not produce a BlockchainTest (#368).
  • ✨ Add evm_bytes_to_python command-line utility which converts EVM bytecode to Python Opcodes (#357).
  • ✨ Fork objects used to write tests can now be compared using the >, >=, <, <= operators, to check for a fork being newer than, newer than or equal, older than, older than or equal, respectively when compared against other fork (#367).
  • ✨ Add solc 0.8.23 support (#373).
  • ✨ Add framework unit tests for post state exception verification (#350).
  • ✨ Add a helper class ethereum_test_tools.TestParameterGroup to define test parameters as dataclasses and auto-generate test IDs (#364).
  • ✨ Add a --single-fixture-per-file flag to generate one fixture JSON file per test case (#331).
  • 🐞 Storage type iterator is now fixed (#369).
  • 🐞 Fix type coercion in FixtureHeader.join() (#398).
  • 🔀 Locally calculate the transactions list's root instead of using the one returned by t8n when producing BlockchainTests (#353).
  • 🔀 Change custom exception classes to dataclasses to improve testability (#386).
  • 🔀 Update fork name from "Merge" to "Paris" used within the framework and tests (#363).
  • 💥 Replace = with _ in pytest node ids and test fixture names (#342).
  • 💥 The StateTest, spec format used to write tests, is now limited to a single transaction per test (#361).
  • 💥 Tests must now use BlockException and TransactionException to define the expected exception of a given test, which can be used to test whether the client is hitting the proper exception when processing the block or transaction (#384).
  • 💥 fill: Remove the --enable-hive flag; now all test types are generated by default (#358).
  • 💥 Rename test fixtures names to match the corresponding pytest node ID as generated using fill (#342).

📋 Misc

  • ✨ Docs: Add a "Consuming Tests" section to the docs, where each test fixture format is described, along with the steps to consume them, and the description of the structures used in each format (#375).
  • 🔀 Docs: Update t8n tool branch to fill tests for development features in the readme (#338).
  • 🔀 Filling tool: Updated the default filling tool (t8n) to go-ethereum@master (#368).
  • 🐞 Docs: Fix error banner in online docs due to mermaid syntax error (#398).
  • 🐞 Docs: Fix incorrectly formatted nested lists in online doc (#403).

💥 Breaking Changes

A concrete example of the test name renaming and change in directory structure is provided below.

  1. Fixture output, including release tarballs, now contain subdirectories for different test types:

    1. blockchain_tests: Contains BlockchainTest formatted tests
    2. blockchain_tests_hive: Contains BlockchainTest with Engine API call directives for use in hive
    3. state_tests: Contains StateTest formatted tests
  2. StateTest, spec format used to write tests, is now limited to a single transaction per test.

  3. In this release the pytest node ID is now used for fixture names (previously only the test parameters were used), this should not be breaking. However, = in both node IDs (and therefore fixture names) have been replaced with _, which may break tooling that depends on the = character.

  4. Produced blockchain_tests fixtures and their corresponding blockchain_tests_hive fixtures now contain the named exceptions BlockException and TransactionException as strings in the expectException and validationError fields, respectively. These exceptions can be used to test whether the client is hitting the proper exception when processing an invalid block.

    Blockchain test:

    "blocks": [
             "expectException": "TransactionException.INSUFFICIENT_ACCOUNT_FUNDS",

    Blockchain hive test:

    "engineNewPayloads": [
             "validationError": "TransactionException.INSUFFICIENT_ACCOUNT_FUNDS",

Renaming and Release Tarball Directory Structure Change Example

The fixture renaming provides a more consistent naming scheme between the pytest node ID and fixture name and allows the fixture name to be provided directly to pytest 5on the command line to execute individual tests in isolation, e.g. pytest tests/frontier/opcodes/[fork_Frontier].

  1. Pytest node ID example:

    1. Previous node ID: tests/frontier/opcodes/[fork=Frontier].
    2. New node ID: tests/frontier/opcodes/[fork_Frontier].
  2. Fixture name example:

    1. Previous fixture name: 000-fork=Frontier
    2. New fixture name: tests/frontier/opcodes/[fork_Frontier] (now the same as the pytest node ID).
  3. Fixture JSON file name example (within the release tarball):

    1. Previous fixture file name: fixtures/frontier/opcodes/dup/dup.json (BlockChainTest format).
    2. New fixture file names (all present within the release tarball):
    • fixtures/state_tests/frontier/opcodes/dup/dup.json (StateTest format).
    • fixtures/blockchain_tests/frontier/opcodes/dup/dup.json (BlockChainTest format).
    • fixtures/blockchain_tests_hive/frontier/opcodes/dup/dup.json (a blockchain test in HiveFixture format).

New Contributors

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19 Oct 21:16
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🐍🏖️ Cancun Devnet 10

🧪 Test Cases

  • 🔀 EIP-4844: Update KZG point evaluation test vectors to use data from the official KZG setup and Mainnet Trusted Setup (#336).

🛠️ Framework

  • 🔀 Fixtures: Add a non-RLP format field (rlp_decoded) to invalid blocks (#322).
  • 🔀 Spec: Refactor state and blockchain spec (#307).

🔧 EVM Tools

  • ✨ Run geth's evm blocktest command to verify JSON fixtures after test case execution (--verify-fixtures) (#325).
  • ✨ Enable tracing support for ethereum-spec-evm (#289).

📋 Misc

💥 Breaking Change

Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6


26 Sep 14:12
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🐍🏖️ Cancun Devnet 9 Release 3

This release mainly serves to update the EIP-4788 beacon roots address to 0x000F3df6D732807Ef1319fB7B8bB8522d0Beac02, as updated in ethereum/EIPs/pull/7672.

🧪 Test Cases

  • 🐞 EIP-4844: Fix invalid blob txs pre-Cancun engine response (#306).
  • EIP-4788: Final update to the beacon root address (#312).

📋 Misc

  • ✨ Docs: Changelog added (#305).
  • ✨ CI/CD: Run development fork tests in Github Actions (#302).
  • ✨ CI/CD: Generate test JSON fixtures on push (#303).

💥 Breaking Change

Please use development fixtures from now on when testing Cancun. These refer to changes that are currently under development within clients:

  • fixtures: All tests until the last stable fork (Shanghai)
  • fixtures_develop: All tests until the last development fork (Cancun)
  • fixtures_hive: All tests until the last stable fork (Shanghai) in hive format (Engine API directives instead of the usual BlockchainTest format)
  • fixtures_develop_hive: All tests until the last development fork (Cancun) in hive format


21 Sep 06:16
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🐍 Cancun Devnet 9 Release 2

This release adds additional coverage to the current set of cancun tests, up to the Devnet-9 Cancun specification, noting the following considerations:

  • Beacon root contract is pre-deployed at 0xbEAC020008aFF7331c0A389CB2AAb67597567d7a
    • Additional EIP-4788 updates from the following PR will be included in the next release.
  • Adds EIP-7516 Tests

🧪 Tests include the following EIPs

EIP-4844: Shard Blob Transactions
EIP-5656: MCOPY - Memory copying instruction
EIP-6780: SELFDESTRUCT only in same transaction
EIP-4788: Beacon block root in the EVM
EIP-1153: Transient storage opcodes
EIP-7516: BLOBBASEFEE opcode

⚙️ Test Generation

Fixtures for these tests can be generated using the geth t8n tool with the following branch & command:

fill --until Cancun

📄 Documentation

Further information on each test can be found within the docs:

What's Changed

  • tests/cancun/eip_1153: Remove conftest '+1153' in network field. by @spencer-tb in #299
  • improvement: Deprecate empty accounts within framework. by @spencer-tb in #300
  • tests/4844: Add EIP-7516, BLOBBASEFEE, verification to excess blob gas tests by @marioevz in #294
  • tests/cancun/eip_4788: Update predeploy address(0xbEAC02..7d7a), add additional tests by @spencer-tb in #297
  • feature: Add engine API forkchoice updated information in fixtures by @spencer-tb in #256
  • improvement: Fixture generation split based on hive specificity by @spencer-tb in #301

Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.0.4


14 Sep 13:55
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🐍 Cancun Devnet 9 Release

This release adds additional coverage to the current set of cancun tests, up to the Devnet-9 Cancun specification, noting the following considerations:

  • Beacon root contract is pre-deployed at 0xbEac00dDB15f3B6d645C48263dC93862413A222D
    • Additional EIP-4788 updates from the following PR will be included in the next release.
  • Further coverage includes tests for EIP-1153, and additional tests for EIP-4788 & EIP-6780.

🧪 Tests include the following EIPs

EIP-4844: Shard Blob Transactions
EIP-5656: MCOPY - Memory copying instruction
EIP-6780: SELFDESTRUCT only in same transaction
EIP-4788: Beacon block root in the EVM
EIP-1153: Transient storage opcodes

⚙️ Test Generation

Fixtures for these tests can be generated using the geth t8n tool with the following branch & command:

fill --until Cancun

📄 Documentation

Further information on each test can be found within the docs:


11 Aug 18:23
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v1.0.2 Pre-release

🐍 Cancun Devnet 8 + 4788 v2 Pre-Release

This pre-release updates all cancun tests according to Update EIP-4788: initial stab at v2, and the Devnet-8 Cancun specification, with a few considerations:

  • Beacon root contract is pre-deployed at address 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000b instead of the address described in the EIP PR
  • No system transactions are executed for the generation of the fixtures and instead a direct storage update is performed at the beginning of the block

🧪 Tests include the following EIPs

EIP-4844: Shard Blob Transactions
EIP-5656: MCOPY - Memory copying instruction
EIP-6780: SELFDESTRUCT only in same transaction
EIP-4788: Beacon block root in the EVM

Our full release will include tests for EIP-1153: Transient storage opcodes including additional coverage for the above EIPs.

⚙️ Test Generation

Fixtures for these tests can be generated with the following geth commit:

fill --until Cancun

📄 Documentation

Further information on each test can be found within the docs:


03 Aug 19:20
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v1.0.1 Pre-release

🐍 Cancun Devnet-8 Pre-Release

This pre-release holds our initial set of tests for the current Devnet-8 Cancun specification.

🧪 Tests include the following EIPs

EIP-4844: Shard Blob Transactions
EIP-5656: MCOPY - Memory copying instruction
EIP-6780: SELFDESTRUCT only in same transaction
EIP-4788: Beacon block root in the EVM

Our full release will include tests for EIP-1153: Transient storage opcodes including additional coverage for the above EIPs.

⚠️ Note
Beacon block root pre-compile tests are to be updated following its change to a system call:

⚙️ Test Generation

Fixtures for these tests can be generated on main with the following geth branch:

fill --from Cancun --until Cancun

📄 Documentation

Further information on each test can be found within the docs: