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Android Dev Challenge Submission Idea Description

As an environmentally conscious consumer, I care about how we throw things away. But would you be surprised to learn that a major study has found that 25% of what ends up in recycle bins are actually non-recyclable? As we all try to take care of the environment, every locality has different rules, restrictions and regulations that are designed to help - but aren’t common knowledge! It would be cool to have an app that could help with all of this, and more. You could take a picture of an item - like a Starbucks cup - and the app could tell you whether it gets recycled in that area, where to find the nearest recycle bin, and more! It could even tell you what other rules apply to that area that you may not know or inform you of businesses nearby that have special offers for eco-friendly consumers like me. I want to do my part to save the planet - and could be the tool to help me do it.

Android Dev Challenge Cover Letter

Android Dev Challenge - Cover Letter