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Releases: endpoints4s/endpoints4s


07 Dec 18:06
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Published for Scala 2.12, 2.13, 3.3 (for some artifacts only), Scala.js 1.12, and Scala Native 0.4.16.

See the binary compatibility guarantees for every module.

The version of the algebra modules is 1.11.1. Please refer to the table below for the corresponding version of the interpreters:

Artifact Version Dependencies
json-schema 1.11.1
json-schema-generic 1.11.1 shapeless:2.3.x
json-schema-circe 2.5.1 circe:0.14.1
json-schema-playjson 1.11.1 play-json:2.9.3
algebra 1.11.1
algebra-circe 2.5.1 circe:0.14.1
algebra-playjson 1.11.1 play-json:2.9.3
openapi 4.5.1 ujson:1.4.x
pekko-http-client 1.0.1 pekko:1.0.x, pekko-http:1.0.0
pekko-http-server 1.0.1 pekko:1.0.x, pekko-http:1.0.0
fetch-client 3.2.1 scalajs-dom:2.4.0
fetch-client-circe 3.2.1 scalajs-dom:2.4.0, circe: 0.14.1
http4s-client 6.5.1 http4s:0.23.6
http4s-server 10.3.1 http4s:0.23.6
sttp-client 5.5.1 sttp:3.3.18

What's Changed

  • Test that authenticated endpoint’s URI match before validating the authentication credentials and fix the Pekko HTTP server interpreter implementation by @OlegYch in #1222

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.11.1


01 Dec 14:33
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Published for Scala 2.12, 2.13, 3.3 (for some artifacts only), Scala.js 1.12, and Scala Native 0.4.16.

See the binary compatibility guarantees for every module.

The version of the algebra modules is 1.11.0. Please refer to the table below for the corresponding version of the interpreters:

Artifact Version Dependencies
json-schema 1.11.0
json-schema-generic 1.11.0 shapeless:2.3.x
json-schema-circe 2.5.0 circe:0.14.1
json-schema-playjson 1.11.0 play-json:2.9.3
algebra 1.11.0
algebra-circe 2.5.0 circe:0.14.1
algebra-playjson 1.11.0 play-json:2.9.3
openapi 4.5.0 ujson:1.4.x
pekko-http-client 1.0.0 pekko:1.0.1, pekko-http:1.0.0
pekko-http-server 1.0.0 pekko:1.0.1, pekko-http:1.0.0
fetch-client 3.2.0 scalajs-dom:2.4.0
fetch-client-circe 3.2.0 scalajs-dom:2.4.0, circe: 0.14.1
http4s-client 6.5.0 http4s:0.23.6
http4s-server 10.3.0 http4s:0.23.6
sttp-client 5.5.0 sttp:3.3.18

What's Changed

  • Add Pekko HTTP client and server interpreters by @ptrdom in #1207
  • Introduce a preciseField JSON schema by @ant8e in #1194
  • Make OpenApi.jsonEncoder public by @danarmak in #1204
  • Publish Algebra and Pekko interpreters for Scala 3 by @ptrdom in #1210
  • Update our own examples to use the fetch interpreters by @julienrf in #1214

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.0...v1.11.0


18 May 07:15
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Published for Scala 2.12, 2.13, 3.1 (for some artifacts only), Scala.js 1.11, and Scala Native 0.4.

See the binary compatibility guarantees for every module.

The version of the algebra modules is 1.10.0. Please refer to the table below for the corresponding version of the interpreters:

Artifact Version Dependencies
json-schema 1.10.0
json-schema-generic 1.10.0 shapeless:2.3.10
json-schema-circe 2.4.0 circe:0.14.1
json-schema-playjson 1.10.0 play-json:2.9.3
algebra 1.10.0
algebra-circe 2.4.0 circe:0.14.1
algebra-playjson 1.10.0 play-json:2.9.3
openapi 4.4.0 ujson:1.4.0
akka-http-client 5.4.0 akka:2.6.17, akka-http:10.2.6
akka-http-server 7.2.0 akka:2.6.17, akka-http:10.2.6
fetch-client 3.1.0 scalajs-dom:2.4.0
fetch-client-circe 3.1.0 scalajs-dom:2.4.0, circe: 0.14.1
http4s-client 6.4.0 http4s:0.23.6
http4s-server 10.2.0 http4s:0.23.6
xhr-client 5.3.0
xhr-client-circe 5.3.0 circe:0.14.1
sttp-client 5.4.0 sttp:3.3.15

New Features

  • #1136 Add 307 and 308 status codes (by @laurin-no)
  • #1161 Support “tupling” values of types A and (B, C, D) into a flat tuple (A, B, C, D)
  • #1162 Add support for the servers field in OpenAPI documentation (by @emanb29)

Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.10.0


25 Nov 09:05
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Published for Scala 2.12, 2.13, 3.1 (for some artifacts only), Scala.js 1.11, and Scala Native 0.4.

See the binary compatibility guarantees for every module.

The version of the algebra modules is 1.9.0. Please refer to the table below for the corresponding version of the interpreters:

Artifact Version Dependencies
json-schema 1.9.0
json-schema-generic 1.9.0 shapeless:2.3.10
json-schema-circe 2.3.0 circe:0.14.1
json-schema-playjson 1.9.0 play-json:2.9.3
algebra 1.9.0
algebra-circe 2.3.0 circe:0.14.1
algebra-playjson 1.9.0 play-json:2.9.3
openapi 4.2.0 ujson:1.4.0
akka-http-client 5.3.0 akka:2.6.17, akka-http:10.2.6
akka-http-server 7.1.0 akka:2.6.17, akka-http:10.2.6
fetch-client 3.0.0 scalajs-dom:2.3.0
fetch-client-circe 3.0.0 scalajs-dom:2.3.0, circe:0.14.1
http4s-client 6.3.0 http4s:0.23.6
http4s-server 10.1.0 http4s:0.23.6
xhr-client 5.2.0
xhr-client-circe 5.2.0 circe:0.14.1
sttp-client 5.3.0 sttp:3.3.15

New Features

  • #1097 Fetch interpreter now supports chunked request entities (by @ptrdom)

Other Changes

Thanks to the help of @mleclercq and @ptrdom, we now publish Scala 3 artifacts for all the algebra modules, the Scala.js interpreters, and the http4s interpreters.

Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.9.0


13 Aug 12:19
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Published for Scala 2.12, 2.13, Scala.js 1.8, and Scala Native 0.4.

See the binary compatibility guarantees for every module.

The version of the algebra modules is 1.8.0. Please refer to the table below for the corresponding version of the interpreters:

Artifact Version Dependencies
json-schema 1.8.0
json-schema-generic 1.8.0 shapeless:2.3.7
json-schema-circe 2.2.0 circe:0.14.1
json-schema-playjson 1.8.0 play-json:2.9.2
algebra 1.8.0
algebra-circe 2.2.0 circe:0.14.1
algebra-playjson 1.8.0 play-json:2.9.2
openapi 4.2.0 ujson:1.4.0
akka-http-client 5.2.0 akka:2.6.15, akka-http:10.2.6
akka-http-server 7.0.0 akka:2.6.15, akka-http:10.2.6
fetch-client 2.1.0 scalajs-dom:2.2.0
fetch-client-circe 2.1.0 scalajs-dom:2.2.0, circe:0.14.1
http4s-client 6.2.0 http4s:0.23.6
http4s-server 10.0.0 http4s:0.23.6
xhr-client 5.1.0
xhr-client-circe 5.1.0 circe:0.14.1
sttp-client 5.2.0 sttp:3.3.15

New Features

  • #1017 Add methods Validated.traverse and Validated.sequence (by @GerretS)
  • #1033 Add support for Scala Native to the modules algebra-json-schema and algebra (by @lolgab)
  • #1042 Add timeout support in client interpreters (by @romainreuillon)

Breaking Changes

  • #1019 Redesign Request implementation in akka-http-server and http4s-server interpreters (by @julienrf)


10 Feb 10:34
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Published for Scala 2.12 and 2.13, and Scala.js 1.7.

See the binary compatibility guarantees for every module.

The version of the algebra modules is 1.7.0. Please refer to the table below for the corresponding version of the interpreters:

Artifact Version Dependencies
json-schema 1.7.0
json-schema-generic 1.7.0 shapeless:2.3.7
json-schema-circe 2.1.0 circe:0.14.1
json-schema-playjson 1.7.0 play-json:2.9.2
algebra 1.7.0
algebra-circe 2.1.0 circe:0.14.1
algebra-playjson 1.7.0 play-json:2.9.2
openapi 4.1.0 ujson:1.4.0
akka-http-client 5.1.0 akka:2.6.15, akka-http:10.2.6
akka-http-server 6.1.0 akka:2.6.15, akka-http:10.2.6
fetch-client 2.0.0 scalajs-dom:2.1.0
fetch-client-circe 2.0.0 scalajs-dom:2.1.0, circe:0.14.1
http4s-client 6.1.0 http4s:0.23.6
http4s-server 9.0.0 http4s:0.23.6
xhr-client 5.0.0
xhr-client-circe 5.0.0 circe:0.14.1
sttp-client 5.0.0 sttp:3.3.15

New Features

  • #979 xhr-client and fetch-client interpreters can now abort in-flight requests (by @ptrdom)
  • #972 Protocol improvements for ChunkedEntities (by @ptrdom)
    • The algebra has been split into ChunkedRequestEntities and ChunkedResponseEntities to account for interpreters that may not support request streaming (e.g., web browsers)
    • Chunks of JSON streams should now be explicitly “framed” to ensure that consumers read exactly the same amount of messages as sent by the writers. See the “Breaking Changes” section for an example.

Breaking Changes

  • Invoking an endpoint from an xhr-client interpreter or fetch-client interpreter now requires an explicit call to .future (or .thenable) to get the result:

    - val eventualString: Future[String] = someResource(42)
    + val eventualString: Future[String] = someResource(42).future

  • You now have to explicitly provide a Framing strategy when streaming JSON entities. We provide a newLineDelimiterFraming strategy out of the box, which delimits JSON frames within a text stream by new-line characters:

      get(path / "notifications"),


03 Dec 09:02
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Published for Scala 2.12 and 2.13, and Scala.js 1.7.

See the binary compatibility guarantees for every module.

The version of the algebra modules is 1.6.0. Please refer to the table below for the corresponding version of the interpreters:

Artifact Version Dependencies
json-schema 1.6.0
json-schema-generic 1.6.0 shapeless:2.3.7
json-schema-circe 2.0.0 circe:0.14.1
json-schema-playjson 1.6.0 play-json:2.9.2
algebra 1.6.0
algebra-circe 2.0.0 circe:0.14.1
algebra-playjson 1.6.0 play-json:2.9.2
openapi 4.0.0 ujson:1.4.0
akka-http-client 5.0.0 akka:2.6.15, akka-http:10.2.6
akka-http-server 6.0.0 akka:2.6.15, akka-http:10.2.6
fetch-client 1.0.0 scalajs-dom:2.0.0
fetch-client-circe 1.0.0 scalajs-dom:2.0.0, circe:0.14.1
http4s-client 6.0.0 http4s:0.23.6
http4s-server 8.0.0 http4s:0.23.6
play-client 4.0.0 play:2.8.7
play-server 4.0.0 play:2.8.7
play-server-circe 4.0.0 play:2.8.7, circe:0.14.1
xhr-client 4.0.0
xhr-client-circe 4.0.0 circe:0.14.1
scalaj-client 4.0.0 scalaj-http:2.4.2
sttp-client 5.0.0 sttp:3.3.15


Reusable transformation operations on endpoint descriptions with mapRequest and mapResponse

You can now define reusable transformations for endpoint definitions with the operations mapRequest, mapResponse, and mapDocs. Here is an example that transforms a simple endpoint into an endpoint protected by Basic HTTP authentication:

def withAuthentication[A, B](
    endpoint: Endpoint[A, B]
): Endpoint[(A, String), Either[String, B]] =
    .mapRequest { (endpointRequest: Request[A]) =>
    .mapResponse { (endpointResponse: Response[B]) =>
      val unauthorizedResponse: Response[String] =
          headers = responseHeader("WWW-Authenticate")

val unauthenticatedEndpoint: Endpoint[Int, String] =
    get(path / "foo" /? qs[Int]("n")),

// Apply the transformation `withAuthentication` to the definition `unauthenticatedEndpoint`
// Note that the resulting endpoint now includes the credentials in the request (as a `String` value),
// and the possibility of not being authorized in the response (as a `Left` value).
val authenticatedEndpoint: Endpoint[(Int, String), Either[String, String]] =

You can learn more about this feature in the documentation.

Streaming support for http4s intpreters

http4s client and server interpreters now support streamed entities via the implementation of the ChunkedEntities algebra.

New Scala.js interpreter based on Fetch

A new Scala.js interpreter based on Fetch has been introduced, in addition to the existing one based on the XMLHttpRequest API. We expect the Fetch interpreter to better support streamed entities, eventually.

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • #900 Fix charset used for encoding JSON entities (by @hangilc)

Breaking Changes

  • #969 Akka-http interpreters now mark their dependency to akka-stream as provided. You have to explicitly depend on it, as described in the documentation
  • #916 circe dependency has been updated to 0.14.1 (by @MasseGuillaume). This affects circe interpreters only (these interpreters are suffixed with -circe)
  • the http4s-client interpreter now takes as parameters the scheme and authority of the service access, instead of the host. You can find an example of usage here.
  • The xhr interpreters now has to be configured by providing some EndpointsSettings. You can see an example here.

Other Changes

  • #945 Improve testing infrastructure for Scala.js interpreters (by @ptrdom)


22 Aug 19:08
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Published for Scala 2.12 and 2.13, and Scala.js 1.7.

See the binary compatibility guarantees for every module.

The version of the algebra modules is 1.5.0. Please refer to the table below for the corresponding version of the interpreters:

Artifact Version Dependencies
json-schema 1.5.0
json-schema-generic 1.5.0 shapeless:2.3.7
json-schema-circe 1.5.0 circe:0.13.0
json-schema-playjson 1.5.0 play-json:2.9.2
algebra 1.5.0
algebra-circe 1.5.0 circe:0.13.0
algebra-playjson 1.5.0 play-json:2.9.2
openapi 3.1.0 ujson:1.4.0
akka-http-client 4.1.0 akka:2.6.15, akka-http:10.2.5
akka-http-server 5.1.0 akka:2.6.15, akka-http:10.2.5
http4s-client 5.0.0 http4s:0.23.1
http4s-server 7.0.0 http4s:0.23.1
play-client 3.1.0 play:2.8.7
play-server 3.1.0 play:2.8.7
play-server-circe 3.1.0 play:2.8.7, circe:0.13.0
xhr-client 3.1.0
xhr-client-circe 3.1.0 circe:0.13.0
scalaj-client 3.1.0 scalaj-http:2.4.2
sttp-client 4.1.0 sttp:3.3.13

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • #877 Make JSON schema of tuple types compatible with OpenAPI 3.0 (by @minedeljkovic)
  • #881 Default values of optional JSON fields are now documented in the generated OpenAPI document (by @harpocrates)

Breaking Changes


08 Jul 06:25
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Published for Scala 2.12 and 2.13, and Scala.js 1.6.

See the binary compatibility guarantees for every module.

The version of the algebra modules is 1.4.0. Please refer to the table below for the corresponding version of the interpreters:

Artifact Version Dependencies
json-schema 1.4.0
json-schema-generic 1.4.0 shapeless:2.3.7
json-schema-circe 1.4.0 circe:0.13.0
json-schema-playjson 1.4.0 play-json:2.9.2
algebra 1.4.0
algebra-circe 1.4.0 circe:0.13.0
algebra-playjson 1.4.0 play-json:2.9.2
openapi 3.0.0 ujson:1.4.0
akka-http-client 4.0.0 akka:2.6.15, akka-http:10.2.4
akka-http-server 5.0.0 akka:2.6.15, akka-http:10.2.4
http4s-client 4.0.0 http4s:0.21.24
http4s-server 6.0.0 http4s:0.21.24
play-client 3.0.0 play:2.8.7
play-server 3.0.0 play:2.8.7
play-server-circe 3.0.0 play:2.8.7, circe:0.13.0
xhr-client 3.0.0
xhr-client-circe 3.0.0 circe:0.13.0
scalaj-client 3.0.0 scalaj-http:2.4.2
sttp-client 4.0.0 sttp:3.3.9

New Features

Breaking Changes

  • #755 Add a Request parameter to the methods handleClientErrors and handleServerError of the http4s-server interpreter (by @GrafBlutwurst)
  • #842 sttp interpreter now uses sttp3

Migration from endpoints4s 1.3.0

lazyTagged and lazyRecord have a new signature. Before:

case class Recursive(next: Option[Recursive])
val recursiveSchema: Record[Recursive] = (
  optField("next")(lazyRecord(recursiveSchema, "Rec"))


case class Recursive(next: Option[Recursive])
val recursiveSchema: Record[Recursive] =

algebra-1.3.0, http4s-server-5.0.0, akka-http-server-4.0.0, akka-http-client-3.0.0

28 Jan 11:53
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Published for Scala 2.12 and 2.13, and Scala.js 1.3.

See the binary compatibility guarantees for every module.

New Features

  • #684 Add support for constraints (minimum, maximum, etc.) on JSON numbers (by @bmeesters)
  • #699 Add JsonEntitiesFromEncodersAndDecoders interpreter to the http4s-server module (by @mleclercq)
  • #720 Provide JSON schemas for Set and Map collections
  • #724 Add JsonEntitiesFromSchemas implementation to the play-client interpreter (by @marconilanna)
  • #727 Compress responses if the client supports it, in the akka-http-server module
  • #728 Add a method that returns an Uri to the type Endpoint in the akka-http-server module

Bug Fixes

Documentation improvements

  • #732 Document the versions of Akka and Akka HTTP that the akka-http-server module depends on