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Generate previews of common office document formats


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This repository contains a Docker image which can be used to generate previews and thumbnails from files in common office document formats. It uses LibreOffice via unoconv for rendering and exposes several Celery tasks to access this functionality. Documents are read and previews and thumbnails are written via PyFilesystem, support for accessing S3 object stores via fs-s3 is included. This image is intended to be deployed with Kubernetes but can also be used with Docker.

Modes of operation

When instantiating the image as a container the mode the container should be running in needs to be specified. There are two possible modes:

  • celery-worker: In this mode a Celery worker is started which publishes four tasks with the following signatures:

    • unoconv.tasks.supported_import_format(*, mime_type: str = None, extension: str = None) -> bool

      Returns a boolean value indicating if a document format is supported. Either mime_type or extension or both have to be set. The extension must include the leading dot.

    • unoconv.tasks.generate_preview_jpg(*, input_fs_url: str, input_file: str, output_fs_url: str, output_file: str, mime_type: str = None, extension: str = None, pixel_height: int = None, pixel_width: int = None, maintain_ratio: bool = False, quality: int = None, timeout: int = UNOCONV_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)

      This tasks renders the first page (or slide) of a document as a JPEG image.

      • The document is read from input_fs_url:input_file and the JPEG image is written to output_fs_url:output_file.

      • mime_type and extension are interpreted just like as with unoconv.tasks.supported_import_format. If extension is None the task tries to guess it from the supplied input_file name.

      • pixel_height and pixel_width specify the dimensions of the resulting image and are optional (i.e. they either must be set or both be None). The behaviour is different when scale_height or scale_width are True, see below.

      • maintain_ratio activates automatic aspect ratio preserving scaling of the image. The image is scaled in such a way that it fits into the bonding box given by pixel_height and pixel_width while preserving the aspect ratio. If maintain_ratio is True the image is rendered two times: once to determine the dimensions of the original document and a second time with the calculated dimensions applied.

      • quality determines the quality of the resulting JPEG image by tuning the compression algorithm. Valid values are between 1 (lowest quality, smallest file size) and 100 (highest quality, largest file size).

      • timeout specifies a timeout for the invoked unoconv command.

      Exceptions thrown:

      • ValueError: Input format is unsupported or the supplied dimensions are invalid
      • FileNotFoundError: Input file was not found
      • RuntimeError: All other cases
    • unoconv.tasks.generate_preview_png(*, input_fs_url: str, input_file: str, output_fs_url: str, output_file: str, mime_type: str = None, extension: str = None, pixel_height: int = None, pixel_width: int = None, maintain_ratio: bool = False, compression: int = None, timeout: int = UNOCONV_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)

      This task works just like unoconv.tasks.generate_preview_jpg but generates a PNG image instead. It uses the compression parameter instead of the quality parameter to tune the image compression algorithm:

      • Valid values for compression are between 1 (lowest compression) and 9 (highest compress).
    • unoconv.tasks.generate_pdf(*, input_fs_url: str, input_file: str, output_fs_url: str, output_file: str, mime_type: str = None, extension: str = None, paper_format: str = None, paper_orientation: str = None, timeout: int = UNOCONV_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)

      Again this is similar to the last two task. But in this case a PDF document containing all pages (or slides) is generated. Instead of image dimensions and compression ratios the paper_format and paper_orientation can be specified:

      • Valid values for paper_format depend on the LibreOffice version. Some valid values are A3, A4, A5, B4, B5, LETTER, and LEGAL.
      • Valid values for paper_orientation are PORTRAIT and LANDSCAPE.

      If paper_format is specified without a paper_orientation LibreOffice assumes an orientation of PORTRAIT. So even when only specifying paper_format both settings in the original document are overridden.

    To configure the Celery workers to connect to the Celery backends the Celery configuration needs to be mounted as /celery-worker/config/ inside the container. It contains configuration variable assignments as per the Celery documentation. To get the results of the tasks a result backend is needed.

    These tasks need to be called by name. It is possible to use send_task for this or to define a signature with one of the names above:

    app = Celery()
    supported_import_format = app.signature('unoconv.tasks.supported_import_format')
    generate_preview_jpg = app.signature('unoconv.tasks.generate_preview_jpg')
    generate_preview_png = app.signature('unoconv.tasks.generate_preview_png')
    generate_pdf = app.signature('unoconv.tasks.generate_pdf')
  • unoconv-listener: This mode starts unoconv as server process inside the container. This container is optional, but as the startup of LibreOffice is expensive it speeds things up and uses fewer resources. If this container is not present, the celery-worker container starts up an unoconv server and LibreOffice instance by itself each time a request comes in and terminates it again when done.

The mode needs to be supplied as single argument to the container's entry-point. This is done via the Kubernetes args option in container specifications. When using docker-compose or Docker Swarm this would be command.

Usage with Kubernetes

To deploy docker-unoconv with Kubernetes it is best to use the provided Helm chart. It can be found in charts/unoconv. If you're not using Helm the manifest templates in charts/unoconv/templates will still be a good starting point for building your own manifests.

The Helm chart comes with a few configuration options:

The unoconv listener can be disabled by setting containers.unoconvListener.enabled to false. But normally it should always be enabled.

    enabled: true

The configuration for the Celery worker needs to be supplied under the key containers.celeryWorker.config. It is injected into the container via a ConfigMap.

      broker_url = 'amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672'
      result_backend = 'rpc://'
      tasks_queues = 'unoconv'

By default the deployment consists of five pods. The Celery workers are just started with one worker process per pod, so they need to be scaled by increasing the number of replicas. This can be done automatically be enabling the horizontal autoscaler below.

replicaCount: 5 

With the standard settings the Helm chart will use the latest image. For production deployment it is recommended to specify a release version instead of using latest. In that case the pullPolicy should be set to IfNotPresent.

  repository: elementalnet/unoconv
  tag: latest
  pullPolicy: Always

To access documents residing on a filesystem a data volume can be mounted into the Celery worker container:

      enabled: false
      # Mount path inside the Celery worker container
      mountPath: /data
          claimName: your-pvc

It is also possible to specify resources. Currently both containers use the same resource allocation. This might turn out to be suboptimal and separate resource specifications might be needed in the future. A horizontal pod autoscaler can be enabled to adjust the number of replicas automatically.

resources: {}
  # limits:
  #  cpu: 100m
  #  memory: 128Mi
  # requests:
  #  cpu: 100m
  #  memory: 128Mi

  # Remember to set resources above if you enable this
  enabled: false
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 10
  targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50

The last three options relate to pod placement:

nodeSelector: {}

tolerations: []

affinity: {}  

Usage with Docker

Please see tests/docker-compose.yaml for an example on how to use this image with Docker.

Available images

A pre-built Docker image is present on Docker Hub under The current master branch is available under the tags latest and master. Releases are available with their respective version as the tag. All images are built automatically via Travis CI.

Known Issues

  • During testing I've seen some crashes of unoconv which seem to be related to memory corruption. These are not directly reproducible and seem to sometimes correlate with crashes of LibreOffice. Stability increased after disabling the listener and so using a new LibreOffice instance for each new task.

  • Again during testing I've seen AMQP heartbeat failures when some tasks which take over over second to complete. The workaround was to disable heartbeats with broker_heartbeat = None. I'm not sure if this is related to the test setup, the Celery configuration or a general problem.


Generate previews of common office document formats








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