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Parallel implementation of Prim algorithm using a RabbitMQ message broker

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I present here a Java demo of the Minimum Spanning Tree using a parallelizable implementation of the Prim algorithm.

Here are the prerequisites to run this demo:

A recent Maven version installed (I use 3.6.0). A recent Docker version installed (I use 19.03.11-ce)

The algorithm itself is implemented in Java, Javascript is only used for initialization and display on Canvas.

First an undirected graph is randomly created and its largest connected component is extracted (Java side).

Then a minimum spanning tree is built (Java side) with all intermediate results saved as a collection.

This collection is then sent to the browser as a JSON object.

The collection is used for an animated display (browser side).

In this version the algorithm is implemented by three workers running in Docker containers and a supervisor. All communication between supervisor and workers is implemented by a message broker. In this way workers don't expose any port. The message broker is RabbitMQ running in a Docker container. The Java code itself is broker agnostic. It uses the interfaces and only.

The only explicit reference to RabbitMQ is this Maven dependency:


Here is the application.yml file for the supervisor:

  port: 8080
    context-path: /

    host: localhost
    port: 5672
    username: guest
    password: guest
    virtual-host: /
          destination: primReceiveFromAll
          destination: primBroadcastAll
worker-number: 3

The task partitioning between supervisor and workers closely follows the description given in this textbook:

Guide to Graph Algorithms, K. Erciyes, Springer

Here are the containers used in the demo:

Service name Image Role Port exposed
rabbitmq-server rabbitmq:3.8.5-management broker 5672
worker-1 prim/worker worker none
worker-2 prim/worker worker none
worker-3 prim/worker worker none

Building Docker image

To build the Docker image run the command sudo mvn spring-boot:build-image in subdirectory worker. It uses the natice Docker support provided by Spring Boot release 3.2. It builds a docker image named worker:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.

Launching the demo

Launching the workers

To launch the workers and the RabbitMQ broker run the command sudo docker-compose up in subdirectory docker. Note that the RabbitMQ exchanges used by this application are automatically created behind the scene by Spring Cloud. The existence of the two exchanges can be checked by opening the RabbitMQ management GUI on port 15672

alt text

Launching the supervisor

To launch the supervisor run the command mvn spring-boot:run in subdirectory supervisor.

When the application has started open a browser and hit URL http://localhost:8080/minimum-spanning-tree.

Here are some screen shots that can be seen in this demo.

After graph initialization: alt text

After the component was found: alt text

After the end of the animation: alt text

The messaging architecture is shown on this picture: alt text

For a video demo follow this link:

Dominique Ubersfeld, Cachan, France